
Episiorrhaphy (from the Greek epi "above" + syrs "peritoneum" and rapfai "bandage, suture") is a surgical intervention consisting of suturing the edges of the cut foreskin after dissection of the glans penis with phimosis (impossibility of exposing the glans due to infringement of the foreskin). flesh), preputial paraphimosis (incarceration of the head in the restrictive ring of the foreskin), cicatricial phimosis with entrapment of the head, coronal contracture of the penis (excessively tight fixation of the head with the foreskin).

Indications for episiorrhaphy are scars on the foreskin, severe degrees of deformation of the foreskin, significant shortening of the foreskin, which can cause strangulation or paraphimosis, as well as chronic balanoposthitis at the stage of the process of benign leukoplakia. Against