Erbana-Holdina Mastectomy

An Erban-Holdin mastectomy is a surgical procedure performed to remove breast cancer. It was developed by Soviet oncologist Sergei Aleksandrovich Kholdin and his colleague John Arturovich Urban in the 1960s.

The procedure involves removing the breast, axillary lymph nodes, and some tissue around the breast. The operation is performed under general anesthesia and usually takes about 2-3 hours.

After surgery, the patient may experience discomfort and pain for a few days, but this usually goes away within a few weeks. In addition, after surgery you may need to wear special compression garments to support your breasts.

Erbana-Holdin mastectomy is one of the most effective treatments for breast cancer. It allows you to remove the tumor along with its metastases, which reduces the risk of relapse of the disease. However, like any other surgery, it may have some risks, such as bleeding, infection, nerve or blood vessel damage.

In general, Erbana-Holdin mastectomy remains one of the main methods of treating breast cancer in Russia and other countries. It allows you to save the patient’s life and reduce the risk of relapse of the disease.

Erbana-Holdina mastectomy, or breast removal, is a surgical procedure in which all of the breast tissue located under the chest is removed. It can be used in the treatment of breast cancer. This operation can be performed both on an outpatient and inpatient basis. This is a complex procedure that requires professional training from the surgeon and anesthesiologist.

The history of this operation began at the end of the 19th century, when the French surgeon Antoine Bertenadji first performed such an operation. In 1918, Erban Aurum, a Polish surgeon, proposed a more radical version of this operation, which became known as Aurum's mastectoma. He proposed removing the entire breast, including the cancer bed located under the pectoral muscle.

Erbana-Holdinmastectomy was proposed in 1880 by the Soviet surgeon Vsevolod HoldInv. However, he did not receive enough support for his technology and his ideas were rejected. Moreover, he was accused of the crime and sentenced to imprisonment and death.

Nowadays, Erbana mastectomy is one of the most commonly used surgical procedures in the treatment of breast cancer. Here are some advantages of this type of operation:

1. Improving quality of life: This is the most effective way to treat breast cancer; The patient’s quality of life improves due to relief from pain and restoration of breast function; 2. Increased life expectancy: Higher survival rate of patients with breast cancer after Erban-Hodlin surgery; 3. Lower risk of recurrence: Removing the breast for cancer reduces the risk of its recurrence; This is an important factor for improving patient survival;