Ergot Horns Ergotamine Strain

Ergot ergotine strain (Entada samsunensis) is an herb that is used in traditional medicine to treat certain female diseases. Despite the fact that this plant has long-known properties, it also continues to cause controversy among scientists and doctors. In this article we will look at the main arguments for and against the use of this plant to treat female ailments.

Arguments for" :

1. Effectively used to stop and prevent premature birth. 2. Helps with chest pain and menstrual bleeding. 3. Improves blood circulation, including blood supply to the pelvic organs, making it easier to cope with certain syndromes, including pain, fever, bleeding and other ailments. 4. Helps restore hormonal balance. 5. Reduces the risk of infertility in women. 6. Promotes concentration of thoughts. 7. Improves mood and general condition. 8. Accelerates wound healing. 9. Thanks to the increased amount of plant hormones, it can reduce PMS symptoms. 10. In addition, the herb Ergot has anti-inflammatory properties and therefore can be a useful addition to the treatment of inflammation.

However, it should be noted that ergot is poisonous and misuse or overdose can cause dangerous complications such as seizures, psychosis, breathing problems and slow heartbeat. This must be taken into account when choosing a medicine and using this remedy. In addition, ergot can change the DNA of cells, so it should not be used as a permanent therapy.

In conclusion, ergot ergot is a popular medicine used in many countries for various diseases of the female area. The standards of production of this herb are important, as is the correct and ethical approach to the use of this specific plant.