Erythema migrans of Lipschutz

Erythema migrans Leishmana (LMS) is a toxic-allergic disease caused by contact with the pallidum spirochete, characterized by erythroderma, papulovesicular rashes mainly on the lower extremities, inguinal, femoral and axillary areas. It occurs predominantly in children, adolescents and young women, occurring in the spring and summer with an incidence of 20 to 50% of cases among patients receiving antibiotics for other diseases.

Etiology. The etiology of the process remains unknown to this day, which leads to contradictory descriptions of the pathology of the process. At the moment, two forms of the disease are known - acute and chronic. Treatment of the acute form is carried out according to the type of subacute infectious process and is carried out with broad-spectrum antibiotics in combination with infusion and symptomatic therapy. The chronic form is characterized by a course that is longer or recurrent than the acute form. Treatment of the chronic form is determined by the phase of the inflammatory process, the relapse phase and the obstructive phase. In the latter case, treatment must be carried out using the neocollectomy system, which, unfortunately, does not allow curing the severe disseminated phase of LMS. However, there are observations of individual patients after complete recovery from LMS.