
Introduction **Esmoron is a medicine used in anesthesiology and intensive care to relax muscles before surgery or procedure. It belongs to the group of non-depolarizing muscle relaxants, that is, drugs that do not cause additional action potentials on muscle fibers. One of the most common drugs in this group is Rocuronium Bromide, which is often used in combination with other narcotics to provide maximum relaxation. In this document we will look at the properties of Esmoron and its use in medical practice. General information about Esmorn** Esmorn is a muscle relaxant manufactured in the Netherlands by Organon N.V. It contains rocuronium bromide as the active substance and is used to relax skeletal muscles during anesthesia and surgery. Rocuronium is a non-depolarizing relaxant that begins to act 20-30 minutes after injection and provides complete muscle relaxation within 40-60 minutes. After reaching the maximum dose, its effect lasts up to 24 hours. Description of the drug ** Esmorne has three forms of release: sterile injection solution