Esophagitis Peptic

Peptic esophagitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the esophagus. The disease is common among middle-aged people.

Reasons for the formation of ulcers in the mucous membrane of the esophagus: - Diet: large amounts of fat, spicy food, alcohol; - Smoking: tobacco combustion products irritate and lead to inflammation of the mucous membrane; - Heredity;

Symptoms of the disease: Pain. It is a common sign of esophagitis. Starts in the stomach and goes to the throat A burning sensation in the sternum, similar to heartburn After eating, you may feel nausea, vomiting, bloating, irritability, weakness and drowsiness. The person may feel tired and irritable. Some may even lose interest in food, which is also common with esophagitis; Abnormal stool: in advanced forms of the disease, the patient may experience diarrhea; Treatment of esophagitis is aimed at reducing pain and consists of drug therapy, diet and lifestyle changes. If you experience these symptoms, be sure to consult a doctor!