
Esthesiometry is a method for studying sensitivity based on measuring sensation thresholds. The word "esthesiometry" comes from the Greek words "aesthesio" ("sensation") and "metreo" ("to measure").

Esthesiometry allows you to quantify sensitivity to various types of stimuli - tactile, temperature, pain, etc. In this case, the minimum strength of the stimulus at which sensation occurs is determined.

To carry out esthesiometry, special devices are used - esthesiometers. They allow you to accurately dose the strength of the stimulus. For example, when studying tactile sensitivity, aesthesiometers with a set of monofilaments are used - the thinnest threads of different thicknesses.

Thus, esthesiometry provides a quantitative assessment of the function of the analyzers and is widely used in clinical practice to diagnose sensitivity disorders.

An esthesiometric assessment can be made in cases of pathological conditions of the oral cavity, determining the individual sensitivity of the patient to certain types of treatment. Aesthesia can be used to assess the condition of tissues and determine their sensitivity to various stimuli and actions. Aesthemometry allows for a more accurate determination of the points that are most painful or sensitive for the patient. This can be useful in planning treatment, as well as in determining the effectiveness of procedures.

One of the basic principles of esthesiometry is that the range of changes in the intensity of nerve stimulation should not exceed 23 divisions. When assessing a patient, the dentist may ask various questions and take notes about how much pain the patient feels at different levels of intensity. The physician determines the degree of response by determining the patient's appropriate response to the stimulus. If too high doses of the irritant were given, it can cause serious pain. Indicators such as strength and duration also help determine the patient's possible condition and the necessary treatment.

Esthesiometry can be performed in a variety of ways, such as using a pain intensity scale from 0 to 10, where 0 is the least irritation and 10 is the maximum irritation. In addition, there are special instruments for measuring the depth of penetration of liquid into tissues, oral temperature and other parameters. The effectiveness of aesthesia can be determined by measuring the effectiveness of the therapy given to the patient and analyzing his success in treating the disease causing the oral change.

Thus, esthemetry is an important tool in dentistry and is the result of the successful application of knowledge of human anatomy and physiology. This method allows you to determine the extent of the disease and effectively carry out therapy to achieve the best result for the patient