
Eucalyptus for health

Eucalyptus as a medicine

*Eucalyptus tree - Eucalyptus globulus (flowers)* In this article we will look at how eucalyptus trees are used in pharmacology and what methods are used when collecting them.


The eucalyptus aroma, which can be smelled in many markets and pharmacies, is not just the smell of the plant, but the active substances used for production purposes. Eucalyptus is the name given to evergreen shrubs from the Myrtaceae family. It grows widely on the Australian continent, as well as in some areas of Asia. The plant is used as a medicinal raw material for the production of antiseptic and anesthetic agents. Since ancient times, eucalyptus has been used for medicinal and prophylactic purposes, as it has antiviral, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Modern production method

Today, eucalyptus oil is obtained from the leaves of the shrub through steam extraction or distillation. It contains about 59% qi