Frontline Evacuation Point

A frontal evacuation point is a place where the process of evacuating the wounded and sick from medical institutions to the rear is carried out. It is a complex of buildings equipped for these purposes.

Patients of all ages and gender who are in a medical institution due to serious illnesses, injuries, or severe surgical interventions are subject to evacuation. The evacuation process is divided into several stages. The first stage is the reception of evacuated patients in the hospital zone, where medical facilities are transported. The second stage involves leaving the evacuated units and arriving at a front-line evacuation point, located in special zones on the rear line. The third stage is the preparation of documentation. The fourth stage, which is the final stage, is sending patients for hospitalization to new addresses.

FEP is also involved in the distribution of vacant places selected to accommodate patients at the rear stages of evacuation, arriving in trains from the west of the country, as well as those medical workers who are still in hospital departments. In addition, the evacuation