Evisceration (Evisce-Ration)

Evisceration (Evisce-Ration) is a surgical procedure that can be used in various fields of medicine. It can be used in surgery to remove the organ through a surgical incision in the tissue, and also in ophthalmology to remove the contents of the eyeball and leave the outer layer of the eye (sclera) alone.

In surgery, evisceration may be necessary to remove a damaged organ or tumor. This method is often used to remove the stomach or intestines for cancer. A surgical incision is made in the tissue and the organ is pulled out through the incision. This process can be complex and require a highly skilled surgeon.

In ophthalmology, evisceration may be necessary if the eye is affected by an irreparable disease, such as glaucoma or eye cancer. In this case, the contents of the eyeball are surgically removed and the remaining lining of the eye, or sclera, is left in place. This procedure may be necessary to prevent the disease from spreading to other parts of the body.

It should be noted that evisceration should not be confused with enucleation. Enucleation is the removal of the entire eyeball, including the sclera. Unlike enucleation, evisceration preserves the sclera, which may be important in preserving the appearance of the eye.

Although evisceration can be an effective treatment in some cases, it can also have serious side effects. Therefore, as with any surgical procedure, it is necessary to carefully discuss all the benefits and risks with your surgeon before making a decision.

In conclusion, evisceration is a complex surgical procedure that can be applied in various fields of medicine. It may be necessary to remove damaged organs or to treat irreparable eye diseases. Although this procedure can be effective, it can also have serious side effects, so you should carefully discuss the benefits and risks with your surgeon before undergoing it.

Evisceration is a surgical procedure in which an organ is removed through an incision in the tissue. In medicine, evisceration is used to remove organs that cannot be restored or that pose a threat to the patient's life. For example, in surgery, evisceration can be used to remove a tumor that cannot be removed by other methods.

In ophthalmology, evisceration is a surgical operation in which the contents of the eyeball are removed, leaving only the outer layer of the eye - the sclera. This operation is used to treat tumors and other eye diseases.

Evisceration surgery

- To explain the essence of the surgical process of evisceration, one should refer to medical terminology. Evisce translates to “to empty.”

The practice of eulsion is an operation on the organs of vision. The procedure involves completely removing the internal organs that supply the eye. Such an operation has to be carried out in cases where severe destruction of the optic nerves occurs, which often becomes the cause of irreversible blindness. In addition, intervention may be required after a previous removal of the eyeball or in severe stages of cancer. An operation to remove and replace internal organs with artificial ones is carried out exclusively when medications are ineffective. This procedure is always performed only in medical institutions of the highest level.

How does the intervention work?

There is no exact framework for the operation. This can also be a simple amputation, which is prohibited by law in some countries. It all depends on the development of medicine in a particular state. The patient may turn out to be a disabled person or a minor citizen. In this case, specialists use only authorized procedures. If it is possible to keep the organ, but it is hopeless, the procedure is carried out following the article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which divides such operations among those in need. The operation begins at the moment when vital function has completely disappeared. Brain failure signals the patient's death.