Eucalyptus Prutovidny

Eucalyptus twig is a branched evergreen plant of the Myrtle family, up to 8 m high (although there are species under 3 m). In Russia, no more than a dozen species are distinguished. This family includes an evergreen tree up to 6-8 meters high, with smooth light gray bark, from densely pubescent to almost bare branches.

The main type of raw material is leaves, less often - whole shoots and flower buds. They prepare either all of this together or separately. Leaves are cut off during the summer when they reach maximum development. When preparing material, they are guided by the time of full flowering (May - June). This is explained by the fact that the essential oil content is highest during this period, and the South African varieties are the most valuable in this regard.

When collecting raw materials, the leafy tops of branches 25 - 30 cm long (from 16 - 24 leaves), side shoots up to 15 cm long and unripe fruits with seeds are plucked. The raw materials are dried in dryers at a temperature of 40 - 45°C. The shoots are dried in attics under an iron roof or in ovens with gentle heating.

The leaves contain cineole, the main representative of terpenoid compounds, as well as a significant amount of flavonoids, volatile oils and tannins. The oil content is about 0.9-1.5%; ash content - 8 -18%, humidity - 9 - 12%. The leaves contain vitamin C - from 14 to 32 mg per 1 g of dry raw material. The leaves have an astringent and antimicrobial effect. Prescribed in the form of an infusion and a liquefied infusion for rinsing the mouth and throat for catarrh of the upper respiratory tract.

Release form: 250 mg film-coated tablets. Packing: 30 pcs. Manufacturer: PFK Update, Russia.