Eucalyptus Oil Chinil

Eucalyptus oils find their use in various fields, from medicine to cosmetology, and thanks to their natural ingredients, such oils can be used to create homemade aromatherapy. Considering one of the positions, today I want to talk about such oils. In this text we will look at eucalyptus; it is often used to combat symptoms of influenza, ARVI and colds.

Eucalyptus contains eugenol, which is one of the most powerful volatile oils among essential oils. Eucalyptus oil is used to treat various diseases. The main reason for using essential oil in aromatherapy is to reduce stress and relax muscles. A person finds himself in a relaxation zone after the first inhalation of an aroma lamp filled with a special substance.

Another effect of the beneficial properties of eucalyptus on the body is the fight against viruses and infections, which is achieved by increasing the activity of macrophages - white blood cells that absorb bacteria, viruses and foreign bodies. The human body contains at least 4 million of these macrophages. To stop the proliferation of viruses and bacteria, this part of the immune system is strengthened with essential oils