Extensor carpi ulna

Extensor carpi ulnaris (musculus extensor carpi ulnaris, pna, bna, jna) is a muscle of the forearm located on the ulnar side. Refers to wrist extensors.

It originates in two heads - the humeral and ulnar. The humeral head originates from the lateral epicondyle of the humerus. The ulnar head originates from the olecranon process and the ulnar collateral ligament.

Both heads converge and pass into a common tendon, which is attached to the base of the 5th metacarpal bone.

Innervated by the ulnar nerve (C8-Th1).

The main function is to extend the hand and abduct it to the ulnar side. Participates in pronation of the forearm.

Elbow wrist extension

**Extensor carpi ulnaris –** one of the bones and muscles of the hand. A feature of the carpal extensor is its immobility in relation to the hand.


Like other wrist extensors, the extensor muscle consists of muscle tissue. The upper region overlaps the base of the forearm and forms the anconeus muscle. The lower part of the muscle is directed towards the thumb of the left or right hand. The intermuscular spaces of the extensor ulnaris are formed by two more muscles - the Chtutsky and the radial. In the lower part of the extension of the wrist it has a connection with the base of the olecranon process.

Often leading to the disease, deterioration of blood