
Esophagogastrostomy: Surgical procedure to restore the connection between the esophagus and stomach

An esophagogastrostomy is a surgical procedure that is performed to restore the connection between the esophagus and the stomach. It is often used in cases where the normal functions of the esophagus are impaired or when it is necessary to bypass certain obstacles in the digestive system.

The term "esophagogastrostomy" comes from a combination of the words "esophago" (relating to the esophagus), "gastro" (relating to the stomach) and "stoma" (opening). In the context of this procedure, esophagogastrostomy describes the creation of an artificial opening between the esophagus and the stomach to ensure normal digestion.

An esophagogastrostomy procedure may be necessary for various reasons. One of the most common causes is cancer of the esophagus or stomach, when a tumor or other factors block the normal esophagus. In such cases, esophagogastrostomy can be used to bypass the obstruction and restore patency of the esophagus.

In addition, esophagogastrostomy may be performed to treat some rare conditions, such as neonatal esophageal atresia, in which the esophagus is abnormally developed or completely obstructed, interfering with normal digestion. In these cases, surgically creating an artificial opening between the esophagus and stomach may allow food to pass through the digestive system normally.

The esophagogastrostomy procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia. The surgeon makes a small incision in the patient's abdomen and creates an opening in the stomach. The end of the esophagus is then sutured to this opening to establish a normal connection between the esophagus and the stomach. After the procedure, the patient may need some time to recover and adapt to the new digestive regime.

Like any surgical procedure, esophagogastrostomy may involve risks and complications. Patients are advised to discuss all possible benefits and risks with their doctor before deciding to have this surgery.

Esophagogastrostomy is an important surgical procedure that restores normal digestion and improves the patient's quality of life. It is used for various diseases related to the esophagus and stomach, and may be vital in some cases. Although esophagogastrostomy is a major surgical procedure, it can provide significant benefits to patients suffering from digestive system disorders.

Esophagoduodenogastrostomy or esophagoraph. Esophagofundustomy, esogastric surgical access, is the implantation of an artificial gastric fistula after removal of the stomach.

This is a surgical treatment for stomach cancer. In case of stomach pathology, surgeons may offer the patient the installation of a gastrostomy tube through an incision in the abdominal wall for the purpose of artificial feeding through a tube lowered directly into the stump of the stomach. To do this, an incision is made in it and a drainage tube is inserted into it - a gastrostomy tube, which allows the use of any type of oral food without the risk of aspiration, in addition, it reduces the risk of complications after the initial restoration of the patient's stool, and ensures a regular supply of fluid to the body. After restoring the patient’s nutrition, it is necessary to conduct 8-12 sessions of hirudotherapy to speed up the regeneration process. Patients are recommended to engage in kinesiotherapy.