
Fagelenism (Fagedenism) is a direction of social sciences that deals with the study of the causes and mechanisms of the emergence of socio-political pathologies and offers a well-founded methodology, including based on the clinical pathology of the human psyche. The problem is

Phagedenisms are a special form of manifestation of Toledotism - inciting hatred and hostility towards representatives of a certain nationality or race due to an existing or non-existent threat to their safety. This development of events can be seen as one of the mechanisms for creating various types of prejudices.

A fairly new form of spreading toledatism also includes modern provocative events and pseudoscientific publications containing myths about the national biological and bio-technological superiority and inferiority of individual ethnic groups. These manifestations are similar to “ethnic dieting” - the cultivation of ideas about the fictitious biological inferiority of a race or people, as a rule, to justify dominance over other ethnic groups. Fagedanism is often based on ignoring the data of science and ethics, ideological anti-West