Fake croup and epiglotitis. Preventive vaccination calendar

False croup is an inflammation of the upper respiratory tract of non-diphtheria etiology caused by an active virus. Often this term refers to acute laryngitis. Occurs in babies and children from months to 3 years.
Epiglottitis is a life-threatening bacterial infection that causes severe inflammation of the epiglottis. Usually occurs in children between 3 and 7 years old.
Signs and symptoms of false croup and epiglotitis
Sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish one disease from another.
In both cases, there may be varying degrees of respiratory distress: it may manifest itself as flaring of the nostrils, blueness of the lips and nostrils, which indicates respiratory failure in children. Inflammation usually worsens at night. If help is not provided promptly, this can lead to complete airway obstruction and death.
Provide care as for respiratory failure.
Help the child find a comfortable position; do not try to put the child down.
Moist warm air will help the baby breathe; You can turn on a hot shower in the bathroom and fill it with steam (do not put the child in the water). Cold, damp air can aggravate the patient's condition.
And be calm, don’t worry the child. Usually the child does not cry, because all his strength is spent on breathing.
And don't put anything in your child's mouth, as this can precipitate complete airway obstruction. Call an ambulance. When transporting your child from home in an ambulance, cover him well to keep him warm. In this chapter, you learned about the main routes of transmission. Table 16-2 describes the most common infectious diseases in Ukraine, and Table 16-3 provides information on immunization.
Preventive vaccination calendar

Age: 3 - 5 days (to the maternity hospital!)
Disease: Tuberculosis
Vaccine: BCG

Age: 3 months:
Disease: Cough. Diphtheria. Conductor
Primary vaccination: 3 doses (30 days apart)
Vaccine: DPT+ for polio (mouth drops)

Age: 12 months
Disease: Measles. Mumps (mumps) Chervinka
Primary vaccination: 1 dose
1 dose 1 dose
Vaccine: Combination vaccine (measles-mumps-worm)

Age: From 18 months
Disease: Cough. Diphtheria. Conductor
Primary vaccination: 1 dose 12 - 18 months after the third dose of primary immunization
Vaccine: DPT

Age: 18 months
Disease: Poliomyelitis
Primary vaccination: 1 dose
Vaccine: Against polio

Age: 3 years
Disease: Poliomyelitis
Primary vaccination: 1 dose
Vaccine: Against polio

Age: 5 years
Disease: Poliomyelitis
Primary vaccination: 1 dose
Vaccine: Against polio

Age: 6 years
Disease: Measles
Primary vaccination: 1 dose (before school)
Vaccine: Measles

Age: From 6 years
Disease: Diphtheria. Conductor
Primary vaccination: 1 dose (before school)
Vaccine: ADP-m-toxoid

Age: 7 years
Disease: Tuberculosis
Primary vaccination: 1 dose
Vaccine: Against tuberculosis

Age: From 11 years
Disease: Diphtheria. Conductor
Primary vaccination 1 dose:
Vaccine: ADP-m-toxoid

Age: From 14 years
Disease: Tuberculosis
Primary vaccination: 1 dose
Vaccine: Against tuberculosis

Age: 14 years
Disease: Diphtheria. Conductor
Primary vaccination: 1 dose
Vaccine: ADP-m-toxoid

Age: 14 years
Disease: Poliomyelitis
Primary vaccination: 1 dose
Vaccine: Against polio
Additional doses to support immunity: Every 10 years at increased risk

Age: 15 - 16 years
Disease: Chervinka
Primary vaccination: 1 dose
Additional doses to support immunity: Girls only

Age: 18 years old
Disease: Diphtheria. Conductor
Primary vaccination: 1 dose
Vaccine: ADP-m-toxoid
Additional doses to support immunity: Every 10 years

Age: Any age
Disease: Hepatitis B
Primary vaccination: 1 month. 2 months 7 months
Vaccine: Hepatitis B vaccine
Additional doses to support immunity: Every 5 years at increased risk