Фако- (Phaco-, Phako-)

Phaco- (phaco-, phako-) is a prefix denoting the lens of the eye.

The prefix "phaco" comes from the Greek word "phakos", which means "lens". It is used in medical terminology to refer to the structures and procedures associated with the lens of the eye.

For example:

  1. Phacoemulsification is a method of removing a clouded lens using ultrasound.

  2. Phacodonesis is a congenital displacement of the lens.

  3. Phacosis is clouding of the lens.

Thus, the prefix "phaco-" helps to accurately indicate that the term refers to the lens of the eye. This is important for understanding special medical terminology.

Phaco- (Phaco-, Phako-) is a prefix used in medical terminology associated with ocular anatomy, especially the lens of the eye. The lens is a transparent biological structure located inside the eye that plays an important role in focusing light onto the retina for clear vision.

The prefix "phaco-" (or its variants "phaco-", "phaco-") is used to refer to various procedures and techniques associated with the removal or replacement of the lens of the eye. One of the most common uses of this prefix is ​​the term phacoemulsification.

Phacoemulsification is a surgical procedure used to remove the clouded lens of the eye, known as a cataract. During phacoemulsification, special ultrasound equipment is used to break the clouded lens into tiny fragments, then these fragments are removed from the eye. After removal of the lens, an artificial implant is inserted, which restores the transparency of the eye and allows the patient to regain clear vision.

In addition to phacoemulsification, the prefix "phaco" can be used in other contexts related to the lens of the eye. For example, “phacoendoprosthesis” is a technique that involves intraocular lens prosthetics.

The use of the prefix "phaco" in medical terminology emphasizes the connection with the lens of the eye and indicates the importance of this structure for vision. Modern methods and procedures based on phacoemulsification and other techniques allow medical specialists to effectively treat cataracts and improve the visual functions of patients.

Phaco is a prefix used to refer to the lens of the eye in medical terms. It comes from the Greek word "phakos", which means "vitreous".

The lens is one of the most important parts of the eye, and its condition can affect vision. In particular, phaco can be used to describe operations on the lens of the eye, such as lens replacement or laser vision correction.

Phacosurgery is a field of medicine that deals with the surgical treatment of eye diseases associated with chronic