Fantasy (Dereism)

Fantasy is a fiction that cannot be fulfilled in real life. The human imagination is capable of creating a wide variety of images, plots and situations that exist only in thoughts and have no analogues in the surrounding reality.

Although fantasies are often pleasant and desirable, a noticeable predominance of fantasies over thoughts corresponding to reality may be a manifestation of mental disorders. For example, a schizoid personality is characterized by withdrawal into the world of fantasy and separation from everyday life. In patients with schizophrenia, fantasies may become delusional and accompanied by hallucinations.

Thus, fantasies play an important role in a person’s mental life, but excessive fascination with them to the detriment of contact with reality is unhealthy and may indicate mental disorders. The ability to distinguish between fiction and real facts is an important quality of a mentally healthy person.

Dereism is a movement in fiction that is based on the idea that the world we see is not real, but is merely an illusion created by our thoughts and imagination. The fantasies we create in our minds can be so realistic that we forget that they are not part of the real world.

One of the most striking examples of Dereism is the novel “1984” by George Orwell. In this novel, the main character, Winston Smith, lives in a totalitarian state where all thoughts and actions are controlled by the government. However, he begins to doubt the reality of this world and begins to create his own fantasies, which become more and more realistic.

Another example is the film “The Matrix” (1999) by the Wachowski brothers. In this film, the main character Neo learns that he lives in a virtual world created by machines to control people. He begins to doubt the reality of his world and creates his own fantasies that help him fight the machines.

Both examples show that fantasies can be very powerful and can influence our reality. Dereism states that we should be careful with our thoughts and not allow our fantasies to become reality.

Fantasy is a phenomenon that a person can observe both in peaceful everyday life and during sleep. A person may fall asleep and imagine, for example, walking in the rain or traveling to distant countries. Such fantasies sometimes look very realistic, as if a person really walks in the rain and rides a bus. It can be argued that these fantasies will relate to Dereism - a fiction that may not at all be realized by a person in real everyday life. It has been noticed that in people who experience problems of a mental nature or have problems in personality development, this phenomenon quite noticeably prevails over adequate thinking.

For example, during childhood or adolescence, Dereisms may be a way for a child to comprehend the unknown. When a child imagines things that actually do not exist in the world, this is called fantasy thinking - a type of imagination in which the subject of fantasy is a given object with non-existent, impossible properties. Once they are adults, they can continue to use Dereisms well into adulthood. In rare cases, this phenomenon develops into a “schizophrenic fantasy” - their fiction begins to seem like truth to a person. However, if a person’s thoughts correspond only to this fiction and do not correspond to external reality, then this can lead to the development of schizophrenia. Therefore, if you notice such oddities in yourself and other people, do not hesitate to consult a doctor.