Farah Nephrosclerosis

Nephrosclerosis is a complex kidney lesion characterized by the formation of massive extracellular cystoid deposits on the vascular structures of the organ, which leads to significant ischemia and necrosis of its tissues. This process is the result of an inflammatory process in the kidneys, which can be caused by various diseases, such as chronic pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, urinary tract infection, as well as metabolic and genetic disorders.

The main symptoms of faral nephrosclerosis are increased fatigue, weight loss, increased blood pressure, pain in the lumbar region and the presence of blood in the urine. In the early stages of the disease, symptoms may not be noticeable, and the disease may be asymptomatic. However, as the disease progresses and the amount of kidney damage increases, patients begin to experience more and more symptoms. In addition, patients with faral nephroskelosis may develop renal failure and chronic kidney disease.

Nephrologists, urologists and nephrologists are involved in the diagnosis of faral nephroscleosis. Diagnosis is based on identifying clinical signs and symptoms of the disease, making a diagnosis by studying the results of laboratory tests (urinalysis, blood tests, determining the level of creatinine and albumin in the urine), ultrasound of the kidneys and other diagnostic tools. Treatment of faral nephrocalus is complex and depends on many factors, such as the age of the patient, the course of the disease, the degree of tissue damage, the presence or absence of renal failure, etc. Depending on the severity of the condition, patients may undergo inpatient treatment or therapy at home. Therapy includes the use of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, diuretics, immunosuppressants, glucocorticoids

Unauthorized translation:

1. Description: Faya Nephrosclerosis is a collective term that combines various pathological conditions leading to irreversible damage to the glomeruli and loss of kidney function. Depending on the cause of damage to the glomerular apparatus, different forms and degrees of damage are distinguished

Nephrosclerosis is a pathological process in which connective tissue replaces the tubules and renal artery. The disease affects older people. The reasons for the formation of this form are bad habits, inflammatory diseases of the glomeruli, poisoning of the body with diuretics, and heart failure. Factors that increase risk include hypertension, high serum lipids, and ischemia. Another important reason for its appearance is diabetic nephropathy. Nephrosclerotic changes can be provoked by bacterial infection and kidney pathology.