Fascia Glotochno-Schechnaya

The pharyngeal-buccal fascia, or Burda's fascia, is a connective tissue membrane that covers the muscles of the pharynx and cheeks. It plays an important role in maintaining the shape of the face and ensuring stability of the maxillofacial system.

The pharyngeal-buccal fascia is a dense fibrous membrane that consists of collagen and elastin. It forms a framework for the muscles of the pharynx and cheeks. This fascia also plays a role in supporting the cheeks and lips and shaping the shape of the face.

The importance of the pharyngobuccal fascia is that it provides stability to the maxillofacial region. It protects the muscles and nerves that are inside this area from injury and damage. In addition, fascia helps maintain the shape of the face, preventing sagging and deformation.

If this fascia is damaged or weakened, it can lead to various problems such as facial wrinkles, drooping cheeks, changes in the shape of the mouth and other cosmetic defects.

In order to maintain the health and beauty of the face, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the pharyngeal-cheek fascia. This can be done by performing exercises for the muscles of the face and cheeks, as well as using special cosmetics to maintain skin and muscle tone.