Blood Dew Phenomenon

For many centuries, humanity has been captivated by myths and legends that are based on dark and mysterious natural phenomena. Blood dew is one such phenomenon that causes confusion and fear among people. Many people ask: “What is it? And why is it called that?” In this article we will look at the phenomenon of bloody dew and try to understand the nature of this mysterious phenomenon.

The phenomenon of blood dew is unusual small drops of blood appearing on the surface of certain objects. For example, when we take a red fruit that has a slight damage on it, when pressed, a drop of blood appears. This occurs due to the fact that the blood has a low temperature and, under pressure, begins to be released from damaged vessels. However, if we try to repeat this experiment on grass or other surface, nothing will happen.

Since ancient times, people have been obsessed with curiosity about this phenomenon, and have tried to find an explanation for its nature. Some associated it with spirits and mystical forces, others believed it was due to divine intervention. Some even thought that the bloody dew could be caused by people who had malicious intent.

Today, against the backdrop of scientific achievements and technological development, we understand that this phenomenon is caused by the natural process of red blood cell formation. When red blood cells are torn or displaced by friction against a surface, they release hemoglobin, which forms