
Ferrocin is a medicine containing a complex of iron and ascorbic acid. The drug helps saturate the body with iron, prevents and corrects iron deficiency conditions of various etiologies.

How does Ferrocin work?

The complexing effect of the drug is due to the fact that it binds ionized divalent metal ions of iron (III) with a free residue of trivalent ascorbic acid - heme reduces the amount of the transport protein transferrin, which is responsible for the transfer of iron in tissues and blood.

A decrease in the content of free iron (II) in the body can increase the absorption of vitamin C. The main donor of iron is meat of animal origin. However, there is the concept of “hidden iron loss”. Therefore, it is recommended to consume foods rich in vitamin C in processed foods - raw materials for the production of iron-containing foods. For example, these are semi-finished products from premium meat or drinks, industrially produced tea and juices, food products with the addition of sodium ascorbite and table salt, part of the aluminum from which is spent on neutralizing the already liberated ferric iron obtained during hydroxylamine acetonation. Therefore, drinking tea immediately after taking iron leads to a delayed hemotherapeutic effect from the dose taken, which leads to an excess intake of only iron, and not the entire complex of these elements. Therefore, periodic use of the drug is possible if the patient eats a full diet of animal products and contains from one hundred to one hundred and fifty milligrams of iron per day. But if the diet is poor, a person has developed anemia (more than 50 milligrams of iron/day), or develops hidden anemia, which is observed against the background of overwork, chronic diseases, helminthic infestation, then taking iron with ascorbine is strictly contraindicated.

Application of Ferrocin

The drug is used in adults and children over three years of age as a specific hemotherapeutic agent for the treatment of iron deficiency conditions, the development of which is caused by iron deficiency in the body. In patients with iron deficiency anemia, Ferrocin should be prescribed taking into account the specific iron needs of each patient. Doses of Ferrocin should be selected taking into account hemoglobin levels