Ferrograd Folik (Ferrograd-Folik)

In recent years, the world has been faced with the problem of iron deficiency in the body. This phenomenon is manifested by various symptoms such as weakness, fatigue, dizziness, loss of appetite, etc. To replenish iron deficiency and combat these symptoms, a number of medications are used, one of which is Ferrograd-Folik. In this article we will look at its composition, manufacturers, dosage form and analogues.

Ferrograd-Folic is a combination of ferrous sulfate and folic acid. It is an iron supplement that helps replenish iron deficiency and replenish the body's reserves. This drug is available in the form of tablets and film tablets for ease of administration. It is produced by the pharmaceutical companies Ebbett Laboratories (Ireland) and Ebbett Pharma (UK). This combination drug is named after Fefol, one of the synonyms of Gyno-Tardiferon.

The purpose of the study was to compare the compositions of FameFerrolact and

**Ferrograd Foliko (or simply Ferrograd - Folik)** is a complex drug containing both iron and folic acid, which are often used together in the treatment of iron deficiency. Ferrograd is used for severe forms of iron deficiency anemia (severe