Fetopathy Viral

Fetopathy is a lesion of the fetus or embryo caused by factors of intrauterine infection and metabolic disorders.

One of the most common diseases leading to the development of fetopathy is fetopathy caused by a virus. Viruses are infectious agents that can cause serious illness in humans and animals.

Viral fetopathy can be caused by many different viruses, such as influenza virus, HIV, hepatitis C, rubella and others. When the fetus is infected by viruses, fetopathy can lead to many serious and even fatal complications. For example, the hepatitis C virus can damage the fetal liver and lead to the life-threatening disease fetal hepatitis.

Treatment of fetopathies caused by various viruses during pregnancy includes the administration of antiretroviral therapy, including interferon and antiviral drugs. The use of antibiotics and other medications may also be necessary, depending on the cause of the infection.

The main reasons for the development of fetopathy may be: * exposure to alcohol or drugs to the fetus; * maternal infectious diseases