Fetopathy Cytomegalic

Cytomegalovirus fetopathy or fetopathy by herpes group viruses are various changes that occur in utero during pregnancy in the mother’s body and are caused by a viral infection with herpes virus type 2 (cytomegalovirus). The disease is characterized by dysplasia of the fetal thyroid gland, retarded growth and development, and often leads to spontaneous miscarriage or premature birth.

Fetopathy of the 2nd subtype of the herpes virus is caused by a pathogen that is not active in a person during pregnancy. The causative agent is viral cells that lack DNA viral strands. Their source is the mother's lymphatic system. Once inside a pregnant woman, the infection begins to actively multiply in the body, spreads through the systems and penetrates the cells of the fetus.

The factors that provoke the disease are all the reasons that weaken the expectant mother’s immunity: * infectious diseases; *immunodeficiency conditions