
Fetosis is the medical term for a condition of fetal malformation in which the fetus shows signs of aging.

The causes of fetosis can be various factors that lead to disruption of the normal development of the embryo or fetus:

  1. Chromosomal aberrations and genetic mutations in the fetus

  2. Intrauterine infections

  3. Fetal nutrition and gas exchange disorders

  4. Exposure to harmful factors (alcohol, nicotine, drugs, radiation) on a pregnant woman

  5. Pathologies of the development of the placenta and umbilical cord

  6. Incompatibility of blood between mother and fetus due to Rh factor or other antigens

The main signs of fetosis:

  1. Intrauterine growth restriction

  2. Low fetal weight and height compared to gestational age

  3. Reduced amount of subcutaneous fatty tissue, senile appearance of skin

  4. Flabby muscles and wrinkled skin due to water loss

  5. Increase in size of the head compared to the body

  6. Pronounced venous network under the skin

  7. Anomalies in the development of internal organs

Fetosis often leads to fetal death in utero or in the first days after birth. Treatment is usually symptomatic and aimed at maintaining the vital functions of the fetus and newborn. The prognosis depends on the degree of damage to the fetus, but is usually unfavorable. Prevention of fetosis involves the prevention and treatment of diseases and conditions in a pregnant woman that negatively affect the development of the fetus.