
Violet is a plant that has long been used in medicine to treat various diseases. It has many beneficial properties, such as expectorant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. Viala is often used for bronchitis, sinusitis, colds and other respiratory diseases. In addition, violet infusion helps to lose weight and improve blood circulation.

There are many companies that produce various medicines from violets. Depending on the manufacturer, they may vary in composition and dosage. However, they all contain glycosides, cleave off methyl esters of salicylic acids, flavonoids flavonol and niapins rosin, ascorbic acid and a complex of natural oils and extracts.

According to the instructions for use, the violet-based drug is contraindicated only in case of individual intolerance to individual components. Side effects when taking violet have also not been identified. In case of an overdose or incompatibility of the components of the dosage forms, only allergic reactions are possible, such as skin rashes, itching, nausea, vomiting and dizziness. Patients should consult a doctor before using violet.

Violet is a perennial plant also known as violet tricolor or pansy. This is a medicinal plant with its own unique properties and healing qualities. Violet contains glycosides and salicylic acid, which have an expectorant effect. In addition, the plant is rich in flavonoids, antioxidants and vitamins, which makes it useful for treating various diseases and disorders in the body.

Violet is used for bronchitis and coughs, as it helps improve well-being and speed up recovery. It has an expectorant effect, clears the airways of mucus and phlegm, relieves cough and reduces shortness of breath. Violet is also effective for diseases of the stomach and intestines, as well as high blood pressure and headaches.

In medicine, both fresh and dry parts of the plant are used - leaves, flowers and roots. Infusions and decoctions are prepared from dry leaves, and juices and herbal teas from fresh leaves. In pharmacies you can purchase ready-made medicinal preparations with violet.

Contraindications to the use of violet are known and do not require additional comments, since in general it is a safe drug, however, individual intolerance or an allergic reaction in some people cannot be avoided.

Tips for using violets in folk and traditional medicine:

- The leaves are collected at the beginning of summer, when the flower is just beginning to bloom, and dried in the shade with good ventilation. For use, both the root, leaves, stems, and the flowers of the plant themselves are used. About the medicinal properties of the plant, it is worth saying that they are suitable for both adults and children. If we talk about the sources of iodine, which is part of the violet plant, then it is worth knowing that most of it is contained in the roots of the plant, after them comes the vegetative part and only then the flowers. Because of this, the best effect will be when using not flowers, of which there are a sufficient number in each collection, but the root part of the plant. To prepare healing infusions and decoctions, only solid components, such as flowers, leaves and stems, are used. However, the seeds are never used to prepare medicines. Violet seeds are similar to ordinary seeds, so many people are not aware of the medicinal properties of the plant. The therapeutic effect occurs due to the active elements of vitamins and glycosides. Note that violet remedy should be prepared all year round. - The use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation is not recommended, since clinical trials of the product have not been conducted on pregnant women and nursing mothers. It is recommended to discuss with your doctor whether it is worth using the product in a woman at this stage of pregnancy. The product is strictly prohibited for use by children under two years of age. It is possible to use a medicine under the supervision of a doctor only when the expected benefit to the patient is greater than the potential risk or probable side effect of taking the medicine. The period of bearing a child will be a wonderful moment