Violet tricolor

Violet trivet is one of the most famous medicinal plants, which has a strong mucolytic and anti-inflammatory effect. In folk medicine, violet is used to treat bronchitis and other lung diseases, and in official medicine it is used to prepare medicines. To write an article on the topic "Violet tricolor" I used the following information:

Tricolor violet (Convolvulus violet, Pansy, colloquially - Ivana da Marya) is one of two types of medicinal violets (Viola tricolor, genus Violet of the Violet family), the type species of the genus. Herbaceous perennial plant 15-30 cm high. Leaves are lanceolate, flowers are blue, white, pink or purple in balls. It has anti-inflammatory, expectorant, sedative, cardiotonic, antimicrobial properties 2. This plant received the name “Pansy” due to the fact that its flower lives on the stem for only one day, however, repeated flowering during the summer is possible