Fibrinolytic Blood System

Fibrinolytic System of Blood: Disclosure of its Role in the Dissolution of Fibrin Clot

The Fibrinolytic Blood System is a set of substances contained in the blood that ensure the dissolution of the fibrin clot. This system plays an important role in restoring the patency of thrombosed vessels and is an integral part of the hemostasis system.

The Fibrinolytic Blood System consists of several components, including plasminogen, plasmin and fibrinokinase. Plasminogen is an inactive precursor of plasmin that can be activated by fibrinokinase. Fibrinokinases, in turn, are enzymes that can destroy a fibrin clot.

When bleeding occurs in the body, the hemostatic system is activated to stop the bleeding. As a result of activation of the hemostasis system, a fibrin clot is formed, which closes the damaged vessel and prevents further blood loss. However, after the damaged vessel has healed, the fibrin clot must be dissolved to restore normal vessel patency.

This is where the Fibrinolytic Blood System comes into play. When the fibrin clot is no longer needed, the hemostasis system activates the fibrinolytic system to dissolve it. Fibrinokinases, which were activated during the process of hemostasis, begin to destroy the fibrin clot, turning it into small fragments. These fragments are then removed from the bloodstream and eliminated from the body.

The Fibrinolytic Blood System also plays an important role in the treatment of certain diseases associated with blood clots. For example, in the case of a myocardial infarction, when a blood clot clogs the artery that supplies the heart, rapid dissolution of the blood clot using fibrinolytic therapy can save the patient's life.

In conclusion, the Fibrinolytic Blood System is an important component of the hemostasis system, ensuring the dissolution of the fibrin clot and the restoration of normal vascular patency. This system also plays an important role in the treatment of certain diseases associated with blood clots.

The fibrinolytic blood system is one of the most important links in the rheological processes of the body.

In simple terms, fibrin is the “glue” for thrombosis. Fibrin forms blood clots, which then lead to blockage of the blood vessel. This is how blood clots form. The speed of this process depends on the presence of a special enzyme in the blood - fibrinogen. This enzyme is produced in the bone marrow and enters the blood. It itself can stick to the tissues of the body and create a fibrin clot. In order for fibrin to dissolve, our blood starts the process of fibrinolysis - the destruction of fibrin clots. The fibrin network and blood clots disintegrate. This is a normal process of our body, it is aimed at eliminating ailments. And the fibrin blood thinning system allows him to solve this problem. But it’s no secret that along the way this system encounters many other problems and pathologies. For example, pathology of the system, problems with blood clot breakthroughs or their improper growth. Therefore, the participation of the doctor plays the most important role. He is the one who prescribes the necessary procedures and therapy. Today, there are many methods for diagnosing and treating such problems. One such method is a sleep blood test. It will allow you to determine the presence or absence of those

Blood fibrinolysis system

The blood fibrinolysis system is a combination of substances found in the blood that ensure the dissolution of the fibrin layer formed in the blood vessels, called a thrombus, which helps restore their patency.

Fibrin is a special protein that is produced by blood cells and forms the basis of a blood clot designed to stop bleeding.