Fibroma Lymphangiectatic

Fibromatosis of the lymphatic vessels is a systemic inflammatory disease characterized by the formation of dense elastic formations along the lymph and/or blood flow. There are acquired and hereditary forms, which may be accompanied by loss of leukocyte production. The disease manifests itself as purulent inflammation, lymphomas, fistulas, lymphadenitis and dermatitis. Changes in carbohydrate metabolism, osteoarthritis are detected

Fibrosarcoma - a tumor of the lymphatic vessels occurs in different age groups. It is detected in young people for the purpose of timely diagnosis and prescribing adequate treatment, as well as in the second half of life, when previously articulated lymph vessels have petrified due to their replacement with connective tissue. The incidence of the disease is 0.4-1.8% among all benign tumors. Women get sick more often (2 times) after 40 years.