Fijitla and pigs

Fijitla is a tumor of the glandular genus, and this name seems to be assigned to tumors behind the ears. We have already outlined a general reasoning about all tumors that follow this path; their treatment is the treatment mentioned in the paragraphs on glandular tumors and tumors behind the ears. A special remedy for them is the ashes of a burnt snail mixed with old unsalted fat; this medicine has no rival. The ashes of burnt weasels are also useful; it is mixed with wax ointment from iris oil, aged and consumed. It also helps against mumps.

Pigs are like cones and differ from them only in that they do not lag behind the tissues, like cones, but hang on the meat. Most often they form in loose meat, and they also have a membrane rich in nerves. Pigs are rarely very large. Sometimes one pig produces several; in this way they resemble warts. Often they are strung like beads and look like a necklace of grapes, but in general, pigs are scirriform glands. Mumps are sometimes accompanied by pain, and these are those mumps that are mixed with a hot tumor or hot matter, while with other mumps there is no pain. Such pigs are more difficult to treat, and when treating them it is often necessary to resort to a puncture or cause rotting.

People with short necks and a moist nature are most prone to mumps in the neck and head area. The places where mumps occur most often are the neck and armpits. Perhaps they are called mumps because they often appear in pigs because of their gluttony, or because people with mumps have a neck similar in shape to that of a pig. Mumps that appear in children are the safest, but they are most severe in young men.

Treatment. The basis that is relied upon in the treatment of mumps is bowel movement and ease of regime. One of the most praiseworthy types of evacuation here is vomiting, but it is also impossible to do without removing thick mucus from the bottom, especially with the help of pills called success pills. Or they take equal quantities of turbit, ginger and sugar and give this to drink up to two dirhams at a time; Such a medicine, while removing thick mucus, at the same time does not get hot and does not cause abrasions in the intestines. Bloodletting also helps, and the blood must be removed from the mullet.

As for facilitating the regime, the patient should avoid rough foods and drinking water after meals, as well as indigestion and overflow. He should, as far as possible, fast and abstain from everything that fills the head with matter. A person predisposed to mumps should protect the head from overwhelming movements and avoid positions in which the juices are diverted towards the head, for example, lying prone and prolonged bowing during prayer, as well as sleeping on a flat pillow. Various actions that attract juices to the head are also harmful to him, and he should not, for example, talk a lot, give himself headaches, or get irritated. In most cases, cupping is not suitable for those suffering from mumps, since they cannot remove the matter present in mumps and similar diseases, but, on the contrary, attract matter to the mumps and thicken them, removing liquid blood. Often, banks even return pigs, which are already beginning to fall off and dissolve, to their original state. In general, the regimen for mumps in relation to the treatment of the disease itself is similar to the regimen for scirra.

When the pigs are very large, surgeons refrain from treating them with iron or sharp medicines, as this leads to ulceration and decay. In this case, it is necessary to empty and cleanse the body, ease the diet and carefully use absorbable medications. We have found that the messenger plaster, the invention of which is attributed to the apostles, has a very powerful effect on severe, ulcerated mumps, but it must be used with caution and caution. Among the favorite patches for mumps is the Diahilun patch; sometimes other medicines are put into this plaster that make it more effective, for example, iris root, due to its special properties, as well as sheep and goat feces, watercress, mad cucumber root, mountain raisins, figs that fell from the tree before they had time to ripen , and dried, or bean flour, bitter almonds and bdellium. All this is added to the patch and used.

Here is another good plaster of this kind: take one part each of barley and bean flour and goose fat and also coloquinte root, Yemenite alum, iris root and fresh zift - half a part each; all this is bound with old olive oil using the method of grinding known to you, after first melting the fat and zift in olive oil. An excellent plaster that resolves hard mumps in a week, and less hard ones in three days, was described by Galen in Kataganis; it is prepared from mustard, nettle seed, sulfur, sea foam, aristolochia, bdellium, usshak, old olive oil and wax.

Among the medicines that are put on pigs is zift, mixed with flour or with sea onions, or mixed with grated cabbage roots, with caper roots, with bdelium, with lupine, with vinegar and honey, with sikanjubin or with cow feces associated vinegar or boiled in vinegar; lard or olive oil is added to all these substances.

Here is another excellent medicine: take fenugreek - four parts, nura and soda - one part each and bind with honey. They also use mad cucumber root with laurel leaves crushed with the resin of the turpentine tree, or the ash of both of these plants bound with resin.

Also, vetch flour and goat and sheep feces, especially mountain sheep, are bound with children's urine and a mud cake is prepared.

Another medicine: take myrrh - ten parts, ushshak - seven, mistletoe from oak - five, galban, that is, barzad, and mud from beehives - one part each and pound it all.

Or else: they put chewed mistletoe and ratiyanaja together in a mortar - each with a ritl, galban - three uqiyas and tie them together. These are great mud cakes.

One of the excellent medicines is this: take equal parts of wax and pine resin, unsalted lard, horehound, verdigris and prepare mud cakes.

Also: they take ratiyanaja and copper dross - two parts each, Yemenite alum, arsenic - four parts each and prepare a mud cake from it.

Among the good medicines are medicine made from kitran, medicine from mad cucumber, medicine from cachim, medicine called sandarus, and also medicines prepared from snake. A simple remedy of this kind is this: take a dead snake, turn it into ashes in a cauldron coated with the clay of wisdom, and place the cauldron in a hot bread oven, and then mix the ashes with an equal amount of vinegar and half the amount of honey. The medicine from wild cumin, watercress and pigeon feces with olive oil is also good, and all these substances help individually, just like vetch flour - together with them or alone, with vinegar and honey, or with zift, wax and olive oil.

They also take mountain raisins, soda, ratiyanaja and vetch flour and bind them with honey and vinegar, or take iris root and flaxseed, boil them in wine and then add pigeon feces there - as much as is required by the type of tumors, and prepare something like medicinal dressing; this is a wonderful tool. Sometimes the urine of the Arabian camel was also tested - condensed, in the form of a medicinal bandage or plaster, or mixed with medicines for mumps, and it turned out to be useful.

Mygas is one of the wonderful medicinal dressings. One of the doctors, namely al-Kindi, claims that the brain from the horns of a goat, if burned and fed with two dirhams of ashes daily for a week, cures mumps; this should be done for seven days every month.

Know that there are mumps, somewhat similar to cancer. In this case, you should mix the mentioned hot medicines in rose oil and let them sit for several days and then use them. For pigs who are hotter by nature, one should not use too many delaying drugs, and for them, wheat oatmeal with coriander juice is enough, and even stronger - myrrh with twice the amount of khudad mixed with coriander juice. Whether to give predominance to coriander juice or to add more of another medicine is determined by the appearance of the tumor and what the severity or weakness of the inflammation requires. It is useful, by the way, to inject burnt peach kernel oil into the nose.

If you need to resort to iron when treating mumps, then you should use iron with mumps located adjacent to large vessels or important vessels and nerves with caution and caution; one person, while opening the mumps, missed and hit a branch of the recurrent nerve, and the patient lost his voice. It also happens that the doctor does not hit the nerve, but exposes it, and the nerve cools and its action ceases until its nature is restored through warming. And sometimes the doctor misses and hits the jugular vein, and the worst vein in this regard is the one that lies in the depths. Therefore, it is better to make an incision on the healthy side and remove the pigs adjacent to it, and destroy the rest with a sharp medicine, without trying to cut from the sore side.