Field Hospital Mobile Infectious

A field mobile infectious diseases hospital is a specialized medical institution designed to treat sick and wounded military personnel, as well as civilians affected by emergencies, infectious diseases and other reasons associated with an increased danger to life and health. Infectious pathology remains one of the most important medical problems, especially in peacetime and during wars and military conflicts.

The objectives of the hospital are diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of infectious diseases of various etiologies, including socially significant ones, such as hepatitis, HIV, herpes, tuberculosis, viral hepatitis, infections of the bloodstream, respiratory system, digestive, genitourinary, musculoskeletal systems and others . This is achieved by applying modern diagnostic and treatment methods, using advanced technologies and equipment, attracting qualified specialists, ensuring high quality medical care and patient safety.

Structurally, the hospital consists of diagnostic and patient admission departments, intensive care units, specialized therapeutic, surgical and infectious diseases departments for individual pathology profiles, and a quarantine department for especially dangerous infections. The departments are equipped with modern equipment, equipment, and medicines. The staff includes doctors, nursing staff, junior medical staff and technical staff. Each employee works on the principle of an individual approach to the patient, regular monitoring of patients’ condition, prevention of complications and side effects.

The hospital staff undergoes ongoing training in their specialty, participates in conferences and seminars, and works in methodological groups with other specialists. Hospitals are equipped with the necessary tools and resources to provide high-quality and timely medical care to patients with infectious diseases. In its plans and objectives, the hospital strives to create conditions for the development of scientific activity and scientific work, based on the level of development of world medicine in its field.

The Field Mobile Infectious Hospital (MFH) is a unit of the medical troops of the Russian Armed Forces. It is intended to provide medical care to the population and personnel in the event of infectious diseases or in the event of a mass infectious epidemic.

When talking about a hospital, the word “field” always comes to mind. These hospitals have been around for a long time and are designed to help wounded soldiers and military doctors in combat conditions. They can be located not only in military camps, but also, for example, during the Second World War, right in the trenches. This is caused not only by the need to be mobile - sometimes there is simply nowhere to turn around, and this option turns out to be the optimal one. Today, military medics have more and more demands to consider when working in the field.