Filatova-Kalfa Elastotonometer

**Elastotonometry** is a method for determining the elasticity of eye tissues, which is used to diagnose various eye diseases. This method is based on measuring the force required to create deformation in the eye tissue. One of the devices used for this is the Filatov-Kalfa elastoton meter.

**Filatov-Kalfa Elastotonomer** was created by Soviet ophthalmologists V.P. Filatov and S.F. Kalf. The discovery of this device was an important step in the development of ophthalmology and made it possible to improve the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases.

Filatova-Kalfa elastotonometer is a device for measuring the elasticity of the cornea, which was developed by Soviet ophthalmologists V.P. Filatov and S.F. Kalfa. The elastotonometer allows you to assess the condition of the cornea and identify possible problems such as dry eye, keratoconus and other diseases.

The operating principle of the elastotonometer is based on measuring the elasticity of the cornea. The device uses a special sensor that applies pressure to the cornea and measures its response to this pressure. The higher the elasticity of the cornea, the less it deforms under pressure.

The Filatova-Kalfa elastotonometer is widely used in ophthalmology for the diagnosis and treatment of various eye diseases. It allows you to identify changes in the structure of the cornea and assess its condition, which helps doctors choose the most effective treatment for each patient.

In conclusion, we can say that the Filatov-Kalf elastotonometer is an important tool for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the cornea. It allows you to assess its elasticity and identify possible problems, which allows doctors to more accurately determine treatment tactics and improve patient outcomes.