Filler for forehead wrinkles

Any representative of the fair sex will someday in her life encounter such a nuisance as wrinkles.

Alas, we cannot escape them.

From a fairly young age, girls begin to struggle with wrinkles, which primarily appear in the forehead area.

The beauty industry has made great strides in developing treatments for forehead wrinkles.

Today we will talk about such an innovation as fillers.

What are fillers?

Fillers are injections of hyaluronate, which can cope with even very large folds in the forehead area, including filling the eyebrow wrinkle.

This procedure is absolutely safe for the female body. This is explained by the fact that the hyaluronic acid contained in them is nothing more than a polysaccharide. This substance is found in human tissues and, therefore, is not rejected by the body.

How do they work?

Let's figure out what this procedure is. Inside the drug there is a gel with a dense consistency that fills the wrinkled fold from the inside. The doctor carefully injects it under the patient’s skin using a syringe. The effect is noticeable immediately after the procedure.

Experienced doctors must check for the presence of new wrinkles near the main one.. To do this, the specialist creates an artificial reduction of the brow ridges, and if wrinkled folds form in these places, then the gel is injected into this area.

This is explained by the fact that the gel is based on substances that make up the skin and, after a certain period, begins to dissolve.

Usually, The lifespan of the filler under the skin is no more than two years. Life expectancy is individual and determined by the characteristics of the patient’s body, as well as the presence and intensity of physical training.

The injection site may feel sore after a while, but this is normal and will go away within three days.

As mentioned earlier, the active component of the filler is hyaluronic acid, which has long been known to all representatives of the fair sex. This substance turns out to be a natural component of the skin of a structural nature. The main function of hyaluronate is to retain fluid molecules in the skin.. The human body independently synthesizes this component in the amount of fifteen grams. A third of this number decomposes every day.

Aging of the skin is accompanied by a decrease in the amount of hyaluronic acid and by the age of half a century its content is no more than half of the original amount. Since most of the acid is contained in the skin, which is more than half composed of liquid, therefore, with the loss of hyaluronate, the amount of water in the skin is halved.

Most of this component is located in the dermal layer of the skin. It is in this area that fibers such as collagen and elastin are found, which are responsible for the firm appearance of the skin. A decrease in the amount of moisturizing substance in the dermal layer leads to the following consequences:

  1. The process of regeneration of collagen fibers slows down. As a result, the water balance of the skin is disrupted, collagen does not acquire the level of elasticity it requires, and therefore, the degree of skin elasticity noticeably decreases.
  2. Decreased skin density. Lack of water in the dermis results from depletion of the layer. Consequently, the skin loses its elasticity and becomes thin. Thin skin is more susceptible to the appearance of wrinkled folds.
  3. Reduced activity of substances responsible for the synthesis of collagen and elastin. Fibroblasts and keratinocytes are the components that synthesize elastic fibers. They also need plenty of hyaluronic acid. The low density of the epidermis is an impetus for reducing the protective properties of the skin and increases the condensation of liquid from the surface layer.

So, Hyaluronic acid injections have the following positive qualities:

  1. maintain the required level of skin moisture;
  2. increase the activity of collagen-synthesizing components;
  3. improve the process of cell regeneration;
  4. normalize metabolic processes in the skin.

The result is absolutely smooth and elastic skin without a hint of wrinkles.

But hyaluronate is not the only component of fillers. The gel components for them can also be:

  1. collagen;
  2. poly-L-lactic acid;
  3. calcium hydroxyapatite;
  4. polymethyl methacrylate microatmospheres.

These components are used quite rarely, so we will not consider them in detail.

Representatives of the fair sex who used this procedure noted the high effectiveness of the injections. The maximum result can be assessed a week after the operation, when swelling and redness have subsided.

Review of drugs

All fillers are divided into several types, depending on the active component. Today we will consider only those drugs whose active component is hyaluronic acid.

The use of special progressive technologies in this preparation ensures high efficiency and gives the injection composition greater elasticity. Also the drug is rich in antioxidants, which keep the skin looking fresh and rejuvenate it.

The procedure begins with treating the forehead area and identifying areas that need injection. The required area is treated with an anesthetic gel, and only then the specialist begins the injection process. The entire operation takes place within half an hour, depending on the number of injections required.

After the procedure, you need to massage the treated area.. This is necessary so that the gel is evenly distributed under the skin. It is advisable not to use cosmetics and not be in direct sunlight for several days.


  1. Individual allergic reactions to the components of the composition.
  2. The period of gestation and breastfeeding.
  3. Diseases of fungal origin.
  4. Diseases of the immune system.
  5. Lack of insulin.

The average cost of the procedure varies from 14 thousand rubles. The effect lasts up to 12 months.

A fairly common product that is used during the first injection. Its basis is hyaluronic acid. The procedure for administering the drug is quite painful, so it is accompanied by treating the area with an anesthetic cream. In the forehead area, as a rule, the procedure takes no more than half an hour. This filler is considered one of the safest.


  1. it is strictly forbidden to use by women during pregnancy and lactation;
  2. cannot be combined with laser therapy;
  3. with inflammatory processes of the skin;
  4. if there are remnants of implants that have not dissolved;
  5. after recent illnesses.

The price of the service will be 17 thousand rubles per milliliter of the drug. Effectiveness is noticeable within six months on average, in some cases up to 8 months.

Monophasic drug, which also contains hyaluronate. This filler also contains a phosphate buffer, which allows you to maintain the required pH value. The action of the drug is aimed not only at smoothing out wrinkles on the forehead, but also at removing toxic substances from the skin.

The big advantage of this filler is its structure, which allows you to retain a larger volume of fluid, instantly launch skin regeneration processes and be effective throughout the year.

The procedure begins with treating the forehead area with an antiseptic drug.. Next, the skin is treated with a cream with an anesthetic effect. More experienced specialists can test for allergic reactions in advance.


  1. The period of bearing a child and the postpartum period.
  2. High probability of keloid type scars.
  3. Diseases in the acute stage.
  4. Increased body temperature, chronic infectious diseases.
  5. Cannot be combined with laser correction procedures.
  6. Autoimmune diseases.
  7. Intolerance to the components of the composition of an individual nature.
  8. The procedure is not recommended for people under the age of majority.
  9. Decompensated diabetes mellitus.

This service will cost from 13 thousand rubles per injection unit. The result lasts for six months to a year.

Specialists and patients love this filler for its ability to distribute evenly under the skin. Before the operation begins, an anesthetic composition is also applied to the required area. The effect of the drug appears immediately after injection. After the procedure is completed, slight swelling is typical, which subsides within 3-4 hours.


  1. It is not recommended to carry out injections if shortly before the procedure there was laser resurfacing and deep peeling;
  2. inflammatory processes in the body;
  3. blood cell clotting disorder;
  4. period of pregnancy and lactation.

The cost of one injection will be 15 thousand rubles. Effectiveness is noticeable throughout the year.

Useful video about Juvederm:

In this filler, hyaluronic acid is bound by special chains inside the cells. These chains are longer than in other drugs. A special filler creation technology makes the active component more homogenized, which allows it to lie under the skin more smoothly. The drug also differs from others in its special consistency and increased level of dynamic viscosity due to the bonds of hyaluronate with glycerin.

The maximum result is possible after three procedures with a difference of at least three weeks. The price of one syringe is 8-11 thousand rubles. The effect lasts up to 10 months.

The drug is used in the same way as other fillers using an antiseptic cream.


  1. the likelihood of hypertrophic and keloid scars;
  2. autoimmune diseases;
  3. chronic diseases in acute form;
  4. immunomodulator therapy within the last 6 months;
  5. childbearing and feeding;
  6. The procedure is permitted only to persons who have reached the age of majority.


And so, now you know what fillers are and how they are used to combat wrinkles in the forehead area. Remember that the skin after the procedure needs additional care. Basic principles:

  1. It is necessary to avoid going to the gym and swimming pool for three days after the procedure.
  2. For seven days you need to stop visiting the bathhouse, sauna and taking hot baths.
  3. There is no need to visit the beach or solarium for a month to avoid pigmentation in the area treated with the gel.
  4. It is advisable to use creams and cosmetics that provide high protection from ultraviolet light for two weeks.
  5. If the procedure was carried out during the cold season, then it is necessary to try to reduce the time spent outdoors.
  6. It is better to postpone procedures such as peeling and deep cleansing of the facial skin for 1-2 months.
  7. It is worth stopping the use of medications that affect the level of blood clotting for two weeks.

As you can see, the recommendations are not complicated and do not require additional costs. Follow them and be beautiful!


Not every woman over 30 can boast of young and smooth skin. But it is the ugly folds on the forehead and wrinkles between the eyebrows that reveal a woman’s age, and sometimes even add to it.

Aesthetic medicine offers many anti-aging procedures, one of which is filling wrinkles with fillers. This article will discuss how fillers are used to correct the forehead.

What is it and what is it used for?

Also, preparations based on hyaluronic acid effectively fill wrinkles and make them invisible. Most often, fillers are used to eliminate wrinkles on the forehead and between the eyebrows.

The use of fillers began in the mid-twentieth century and were used only to enhance cheekbones and lips. The drugs were synthetic and insoluble. Being a foreign body, they caused inflammatory reactions and allergies. But then new safe fillers, capable of completely dissolving in tissues, were created. For now absolutely all fillers used in aesthetic medicine are safe.

We invite you to watch a video about what fillers are:

Comparison with Botox


Fillers are often confused with Botox. Despite the fact that these procedures have the same goal, their operating principles are completely different. Botulinum toxin is a protein of natural origin, which is injected into the facial muscles to relax them.

In this way, the effect of smoothing out facial wrinkles is achieved. Fillers, in turn, are injected into the subcutaneous space in certain areas of the face. Hyaluronic acid, which is part of the drug, fills wrinkles with its volume and provides a lifting effect.

Which is better: Botox or forehead fillers - there is no answer to this question as such. The procedure is selected by a competent cosmetologist based on the patient’s age, the condition of her skin, the number and depth of wrinkles. The main thing you need to understand: Botox eliminates the cause of expression lines on the forehead, and fillers fill them in.

We invite you to watch a video about how fillers differ from Botox:

Where do they inject?

There are several main areas that need correction with fillers.

Here you need to understand: a fold between the eyebrows appears when a woman frowns, or is it a wrinkle that occurs as a result of the manifestation of emotions. Eyebrow wrinkles, also called glabellar wrinkles, give a person a dissatisfied and painful appearance, which is in no way associated with youth and freshness. In such a situation, a placeholder comes to the rescue. The procedure involves filling the eyebrow wrinkles, which smoothes the skin..


Eyebrow contouring is designed to “raise” its tip. This allows you to make your look more fresh and open.

The doctor performing this procedure must be highly qualified and experienced so as not to damage the supraorbital and frontal blood vessels.

The procedure involves sequentially introducing filler into the eyebrow area in small quantities from the tip to the middle. Then the master carefully forms a new bend with his fingers.

Correction of horizontal frontal wrinkles requires an integrated approach, since the anatomical features of this area of ​​the face limit the effectiveness of the filler contouring method.

The price of facial contouring procedures depends on the quality and quantity of filler introduced. So in Moscow, for the injection of 1 ml of high-quality filler, you will have to pay from 12,000 rubles. In St. Petersburg - from 9,300 rubles.

Preparation for the procedure

There are basic rules for preparing for the procedure:

  1. 2-3 weeks before the injection of fillers, it is necessary to take a course of drugs to strengthen blood vessels. Also, 3-4 days before contouring, it is necessary to treat the intended puncture sites with a special gel 2 times a day to strengthen blood vessels and small capillaries. These measures will greatly reduce the likelihood of bruising.

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    It is necessary to analyze the monthly cycle and not prescribe the procedure for the first 4 days. During this period, blood has weak clotting, which can lead to hematomas and bruises.
  3. Also, you should not perform forehead contouring 5-7 days before the start of the cycle, since during this period the woman’s body tends to accumulate fluid, which will cause severe swelling at the puncture sites.
  4. The day before the proposed procedure, you should not take general painkillers or anti-inflammatory drugs.
  5. You should tell your doctor about any allergies or medical conditions you have to prevent serious side effects.

How does the process itself happen?

The main stages of forehead contouring:

  1. the patient’s face is treated with an antiseptic and anesthetic cream;
  2. the woman is placed in a lying position and the drug is injected in small portions directly into the area of ​​wrinkles, then the face is again treated with an antiseptic;
  3. Apply an ice pack to the injection site for 5-10 minutes to prevent bruising and severe swelling.

The procedure lasts from 30 minutes to an hour.


After forehead contouring, experts advise:

  1. apply ice wrapped in cloth to the puncture sites;
  2. apply the cream very carefully, without massaging the skin or moving it;
  3. If there are seals, after consultation with a cosmetologist, you can do self-massage to eliminate them.

When can I expect results?

The first results are visible in the cosmetologist's office. The main effect will be noticeable after 2 weeks, when the swelling disappears. The main and most important effect of the filler injection is the restoration of elasticity to the skin and the smoothing of wrinkles on the forehead. Usually the effect lasts from six months to a year - it depends on the quality and composition of the filler. After the drug is absorbed, the skin returns to its original state. Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, to maintain the rejuvenating effect, the procedure can be repeated after 4-7 months.

Photos before and after

You will see a photo of the result of forehead correction:






What can and cannot be done after correction?

After injection of fillers, you cannot:

  1. take spicy and hot foods so as not to increase swelling;
  2. visit the bathhouse, sauna and solarium for 10-14 days;
  3. engage in any sport for 1-2 weeks;
  4. do facial massage;
  5. drink alcoholic beverages;
  6. show strong emotions on the face;
  7. take blood thinning medications.

Contrary to popular belief, After the injection of fillers, the patient is not prohibited from flying on an airplane.

We invite you to watch a video on how to care for your skin after the filler procedure:

Possible complications


Possible unpleasant complications of forehead and eyebrow contouring:

  1. nodules or spots, which is a direct indicator of improper introduction of the filler;
  2. allergic reaction in the form of excessive swelling and red spots on the skin;
  3. severe, prolonged pain at the puncture site;
  4. large bruises and hematomas appear as a result of vascular injury;
  5. in rare cases, bacterial infection occurs, which indicates that the doctor does not comply with the rules for disinfecting the patient’s hands, instruments and skin.

We invite you to watch a video about what complications are possible after the filler injection procedure:


There are a large number of filler manufacturers on the market. The most popular of them:

  1. Princess Filler – Austrian manufacturer of fillers based on hyaluronic acid. Has a more natural and long-lasting rejuvenation effect. The products of this company are suitable for women of any age, are absolutely safe and compatible with products from other cosmetic companies.
  2. Juvederm – fillers made with hyaluronic acid of plant origin. Production is located in France.



Filler injections under the skin are a manipulation that has a number of contraindications:

  1. period of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  2. pregnancy and lactation;
  3. infectious diseases;
  4. problems with blood clotting;
  5. inflammatory processes at the sites of proposed injections;
  6. tendency to form scars;
  7. oncological diseases.

We invite you to watch a video about contraindications for the procedure:


Facial contouring is often used in combination with Botox injections.. Filler injections should not be done earlier than 2 weeks after Botox injections in the same area, for example, in the longitudinal wrinkles of the forehead.

Injecting hyaluronic acid-based fillers under the skin is one of the safest anti-aging procedures, providing a long-lasting effect of smoothing wrinkles on the forehead. When performed correctly, forehead contouring has a minimum of side effects and a maximum of results, which has a positive effect on the popularity of this procedure throughout the world.

Facial rejuvenation: facial wrinkles, nasolabial folds, lips. Photos before and after

When does a woman begin to notice the first wrinkles on her face? On average, after 30 years. “It wasn’t like this before, but now.” - this phrase is most often heard by cosmetologists during consultations. Of course, doctors have many techniques in their arsenal that will help remove wrinkles. Irina Kosheleva, dermatocosmetologist, trichologist at the Premium Aesthetics clinic, talks about what injections can do when it comes to facial rejuvenation.

Contour plastic surgery, botulinum therapy, liporeducer injections - all these procedures help to quickly rejuvenate the face. If you approach the correction of age-related changes correctly, it is better to combine them with hardware techniques that stimulate facial skin to renew itself. However, if a woman wants to get results “here and now,” then injections will help. What is most often injected if they want to get rid of wrinkles and swelling on the face?

Botox. The drug blocks certain facial muscles, thereby “erasing” facial wrinkles from the face.

Fillers. With their help, you can fill deep wrinkles and creases, recreate the volume of lost tissue (dense fillers) or remove fine wrinkles (lower density fillers).

There are fillers based on hyaluronic acid and calcium hydroxyapathies (Radiesse). A suitable drug is selected based on the individual characteristics of a woman’s skin, as well as her tendency to edema. In the latter case, you should very carefully choose fillers based on hyaluronic acid, which can additionally attract and retain water.

Lipore reducers. Substances that regulate metabolic processes in fat cells in such a way that they begin to decrease in size and “lose weight.” Due to this, a decrease in fat volumes in a certain area of ​​the face occurs.

As a rule, it is necessary to combine different injection techniques to achieve significant facial rejuvenation. Let's figure out what age-related changes can be corrected with injections and what results can be achieved.

Wrinkles on the forehead

As a rule, the first wrinkles that women notice are located on the forehead: horizontal wrinkles, vertical wrinkles in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose. Wrinkles on the forehead give the face a stale, tired look, especially when combined with a drooping upper eyelid.


Botulinum therapy, before and after: forehead, eyebrows, eyes. Age 37 years

How to get rid of it. First of all, botulinum therapy is used. If you regularly resort to this procedure, you can, as it were, push out a facial wrinkle that has begun to form. Botox also helps to lift the tails of the eyebrows and the upper eyelid in the initial stages of sagging.

You can combine botulinum therapy with blanching - filling small wrinkles with low-density filler. This way you can get the effect of a perfectly smooth forehead.

However, it is not always possible to get by with Botox alone. For example, if a woman first turned to a cosmetologist at the age of 40, then perhaps expression wrinkles have become static wrinkles. In this case, they can be leveled only with the help of dense fillers.

The same drugs should be used if subcutaneous fatty tissue is expressed in the forehead and bridge of the nose. In this case, deep wrinkles form, particularly between the eyebrows. You can “erase” them from your face only with the help of a fairly dense preparation.

Nasolabial folds and lower third of the face

The second thing a woman notices on her face is pronounced nasolabial folds and labio-chin wrinkles. In this case, the corners of the lips fall down, the face as a whole looks tired and sad.


Correction of nasolabial folds, before and after. Age 45 years

Closer to 40 years, the zygomatic area also changes noticeably. Fat packets from the middle zone of the cheeks sag downward, and jowls begin to form. This age marker appears due to changes in the bones of the facial skeleton. With age, the skull generally dries out, the volume of the upper jaw, to which soft tissues are attached, decreases, which provokes ptosis (sagging of soft tissues: skin, muscles, subcutaneous fat).

How to fix. The first thing to do in this case is to restore the skeletal foundation by increasing the volume of bone tissue. In this case, we will get adequate tissue tension, as at a young age. Using fillers, you can add volume to the cheekbone area, chin, and correct the angles of the lower jaw.

Afterwards, if necessary, nasolabial folds and labio-mental wrinkles are filled. If a woman develops heavy jowls with a large amount of fatty tissue with age, she is given injections of liporeducers. These drugs reduce fat volume. And then contour plastic surgery is performed.


Correction of the zygomatic area, nasolacrimal groove, before and after photos. Age 46 years

Wrinkles around the eyes

With age, hernial sacs in the lower eyelid area, the so-called bags under the eyes, become more obvious. The nasolacrimal groove and fine wrinkles around the eyes (“crow’s feet”) become more noticeable. Due to the displacement of the hernial sacs, women closer to 40 years old develop swelling around the eyes in the morning, which disappears only in the middle of the day.

What to do. You can reduce the volume of bags under the eyes with liporeducer injections. Correction of facial wrinkles is carried out using Botox and low-density filler. If necessary, the nasolacrimal groove is filled with a denser filler.

Lips: before and after

You should pay attention to changes in both the lips themselves and the skin surrounding them. Often, due to the anatomical features of the lips themselves or facial expressions, so-called small purse-string wrinkles are formed around the mouth. The lips themselves lose their shape with age: they flatten, lose their clear contour, and the volume of fatty tissue in this area also disappears. Due to the sagging of the lower third of the face, the corners of the lips can droop, which gives a woman a tired look.


Contour plastic surgery of cheekbones, nasolabial folds and lips, before and after photos. Age 32

How to correct. The skin around the lips can be treated using botulinum therapy (light dosage), as well as filling purse-string wrinkles with low-density filler. Injections of dense fillers will add volume to the lips themselves.

However, it is not always possible to obtain voluminous inverted lips only with the help of contouring of this area. So, for example, if the lower part of the face is heavy, with a large amount of fatty tissue, which also pulls the lips down, you first need to correct this area. And then you should work with the volume and shape of the lips.