
Philodesis is a term used in medicine to describe a surgical technique that uses sutures made from synthetic or natural materials to hold tissue together. This method is widely used in traumatology, orthopedics and cosmetology for the treatment of various injuries and injuries, as well as for the correction of age-related skin changes.

Filodesis can be performed either with or without threads. In the first case, the threads can be either thin and flexible or thicker and stiffer. They can be used to hold bones, tendons, ligaments and other tissues together. In the second case, special materials are used, such as collagen, hyaluronic acid or silicone.

One of the advantages of filodesis is its high efficiency and rapid recovery after surgery. In addition, this method allows you to maintain the mobility and functionality of damaged tissues. However, like any other method of surgical intervention, phylodesis has its risks and can cause complications, so before the operation it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination and choose the most suitable treatment method.

Philodesis is a surgical procedure that consists of strengthening the ligaments in the spine. It is used to treat degenerative diseases of the spine and can help reduce pain, improve posture and improve quality of life.

Philodesis is performed through a small incision in the spine. The surgeon removes some of the tissue that is causing pain and inflammation and replaces it with a synthetic material. This material helps strengthen the ligaments and restore normal function of the spine.

The procedure can be performed on both the cervical and lumbar spine. It can be performed either under local anesthesia or general anesthesia.

After the operation, the patient remains in the hospital for several days and then can return to his normal life. However, full recovery may take several weeks or months.

Despite the fact that phylodesis is a relatively new treatment method, it has already proven its effectiveness in the treatment of degenerative diseases of the spine. However, before deciding to have surgery, you must consult a doctor and undergo all the necessary examinations.