First aid for choking.

If the victim has partial obstruction of the respiratory tract, do not interfere with his coughing, then a foreign object may appear on its own. A person who can clear their throat and speak has enough air to breathe. Stay nearby, asking the victim to clear their throat. If the cough does not go away for a long time, call an ambulance. If the victim is barely breathing, has a very weak cough, or is unable to speak at all, proceed as you would in a situation with complete airway obstruction.

If the victim has partial obstruction of the respiratory tract, do not interfere with his coughing, then a foreign object may appear on its own. A person who can clear their throat and speak has enough air to breathe. Stay nearby, asking the victim to clear their throat. If the cough does not go away for a long time, call an ambulance. If the victim is barely breathing, has a very weak cough, or is unable to speak at all, proceed as you would in a situation with complete airway obstruction.