Fistula and tumor of the inner corner of the eye

Sometimes an abscess forms in the inner corner of the eye. Sometimes it is hard, moves when touched, does not open, and is glandular in origin. The most harmful type of it is a protrusion in the inner corner of the eye. Its correct determination is achieved by pressing, but pressing is painful and increases inflammation. Sometimes this abscess is pustular, filled with pus, opens, and after opening, a fistula mostly forms. Both forms are similar in that each of them is movable when touched, disappears when pressed, and reappears when released. The substance of this pustule and it itself are turned inward, so that the external protrusion is not noticeable. However, a sign of an abscess is itching. Sometimes the presence of an abscess can be determined by applying strong hand pressure.

A fistula is a fistula that occurs in the inner corner of the eye. Most often it follows abscesses and pustules that appear in this place and only then break through and become lead. Such an abscess, until it has opened, is called anchilops. Since the affected organ consists of a thin substance, everything from the inner edge to the outer one is like a depression, on one side of which there is the nasal bone, and on the other - the eyeball. When an abscess breaks through, it leaves a difficult place to heal, since this organ is moist and constantly in motion; therefore, a fistula forms there. Sometimes the breakthrough occurs outward, sometimes inward, to the right or left, sometimes from both sides at once. Often a breakthrough occurs in the nose and pus pours into it. Sometimes suppuration penetrates to the bone and destroys, blackens and corrodes it and also corrodes the cartilages of the eyelid, filling the eye with pus, which protrudes when pressed.

Treatment. Lacrimal fistula is a chronic disease. The mildest type is a fistula that has recently formed. It can be cured with mild medications, which we will indicate below. As for the old fistula, its real treatment consists in cauterization, which we will describe, or in the medicine that replaces it, dik bar dik. Treatment begins by wiping the fistula with a rag. Then prepare a wick with dik bar dik medicine and fill the fistula. Some doctors believe that it is very useful to clean the fistula, free it of dead flesh, and then fill it with cotton paper soaked in an infusion of Nabatean horns. If someone wants to use the medicine without cauterization, then it is best to squeeze out the contents of the fistula, then wash it with tart wine, which is also dripped into it. If the amount of contents is insignificant and nothing comes out, then it is left for two to three days under a bandage until a sufficient amount has collected. Then they squeeze out, wash and drip ointment for the fistula, which ointment Muhammad ibn Zakariyya ar-Razi called by his name, and especially a solution of this ointment in the infusion of the Gauls. It is best to drip drop by drop so that an hour passes between dripping procedures. The best measure is to probe the depth of the fistula with a wire. Then wrap the needle in cotton paper, dip it in the medicine, whether liquid or powder, and inject it. After administering the medicine, you need to apply a bandage and remain calm.

The tested ointments include the following: take orpiment, iron sulfate, Spanish flies, lime, ammonia and alum in equal parts; These medications are ground, mixed with children's urine, the mixture is dried and used in dry form. It is sometimes useful at the beginning of the disease, before a breakthrough, to apply iron sulfate, aushak and larkspur, as well as rancid nuts and anything that has a slight absorbable property. If the leaves of garden rue are ground with lye and applied to the anchilops before it reaches the bone and even after that, it causes healing and improves the meat. However, this medicine only burns at first, and then it doesn’t burn anymore. If a lacrimal fistula forms, then know that the main rule is to first clean it and then treat it. Cleansing agents include the following: take the skin of the reed located inside the env, especially closer to the rhizome, where it is somewhat thicker, dip it in honey and apply it to the fistula; it cleanses her. Then wash the area with a sponge moistened with honey-sweetened water. Then sometimes the cane skin is used on its own in a dry form without other drying agents, and this is enough.

Other remedies tested for lacrimal fistula include ointment from horned poppy, myrrh, saffron with a decoction of common dandelion, all of which must be replaced again. These remedies also include snails, which are ground whole with the shell, myrrh and sabur are added to them and then consumed. This is a remedy that helps against such a disease when, after the formation of a pustule, there is still no suppuration. It is also useful when an ulcer appears. This also includes burnt cowries, saffron, dried dandelion with sumac infusion, which was exposed to the sun. Miracle remedies include rue leaves and pomegranate juice applied to the lacrimal fistula. Its special property is that it prevents leaving any bad traces. You should not pay attention to its burning sensation. Among the remedies that help open abscesses are medicinal dressings made from bread with horehound seeds, or from frankincense with human milk, or from saffron with indau decoction, or from myrrh with one-third of its weight in gum arabic mixed with ox bile; it is applied and left without touching until recovery. Medicines for lacrimal fistula include wick with verdigris, incense and usshak. The Indian believes that chewed mung bean helps. And some doctors believe that myrrh heals on its own when applied.

The tested powders include the following: take greater celandine - one part, azhgon - two-thirds of the part; they are ground into powder and sprinkled with it.

There is another medicine made up of copper filings, alum, and ammonia; it is useful and healing. Excellent remedies include the following: take equal parts of iron sulfate, sabur, anzarut, burnt incense crusts and horned poppy, this is applied to the inner corner of the eye; and also take sabur on its own and with incense crusts. You should also think about the other remedies mentioned in the Pharmacopoeia, especially the pungent green medicine, and you should also look at the headings of the Book of Simple Medicines.

If the anchilops reaches the bone and the mentioned medications do not help, then the fistula must be cut and its inner surface exposed, and the dead meat, if any, must be cut down to the bone itself. Further treatment occurs in three ways. If the bone itself is still healthy, then scrape off the blackness that is noticeable on it. and fill the fistula with medications that promote healing, apply bandages and leave it like that for a while.

If things get worse, cauterization is necessary. In addition, it is often necessary to make a deep hole in dead meat in order to cauterize as deeply as possible in the lower part of the recess, without deviating towards the nose or towards the eye, so that the connective membrane does not leak, but a slight deviation in depth towards the nose is still permissible. If one large or three small holes are made in this place and blood, penetrating through them, flows into the area of ​​the nose and mouth, then a more thorough cauterization is done, but be careful so that it does not touch the eyeball. Even the eyeball should be carefully protected, then cauterized, after which it is sprinkled with medicinal powder and a bandage is applied. Sometimes cauterization eliminates the need to make a hole. Limit only, as far as possible, to one cauterization. The head medicine is among the best in this field. When cauterization is performed and the wound is sprinkled with medicinal powder, a sponge moistened with cold water or a flour dough cooled with snow should be placed on the very eye, and changed as soon as they begin to warm up.