Fistula Internal

An internal fistula is a pathological hole or canal in the wall of internal organs and tissues, formed between internal organs. It can be either single or multiple (polysinus fistula). Fistulas often cause pain, discomfort and health problems in people. Fistulas can occur due to various reasons, such as infections, injuries, ulcers, tumors and other diseases.

An internal fistula appears as a narrow, tubular opening that passes through the wall of an organ and connects two cavities or internal medicine surfaces, such as the intestinal and gastric lining. The main causes of a fistula are infection, injury or surgery.

According to experts, internal fistulas are very common. They cause pain, inflammation and organ dysfunction. Internal fistula can occur in organs of any system of the body: in the intestines, gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, respiratory tract, lungs. Internal fistulas occur more often in men than in women.

Symptoms of an internal fistula can range from minor pain to severe discomfort and discomfort. The most common symptoms are constant discharge from the intestines, as well as constant pain in the abdominal area of ​​varying degrees of intensity. In addition, a person feels a constant feeling of bloating, and gases constantly pass away, which indicates increased gas formation in the stomach or intestines. These symptoms may be accompanied by bloating, gastrointestinal dysfunction, lack of appetite, diarrhea or constipation, and deterioration in general health. Sometimes there is blood in the stool or a change in the color of the stool.

Treatment of internal fistulas takes a lot of time, medication, and sometimes you have to resort to surgery. Treatment of internal fistula requires an individual approach, since patients with this problem are very diverse. Treatment depends on the type of fistula, the cause of it, and your overall health.