Herbal tea Sophia. Calming Herbs

Herbal tea Sophia is a biologically active food supplement produced in Russia by the Fora-Pharm company. It contains a combination of calming herbs that help manage stress and improve sleep quality.

The main components of Sophia Herbal Tea are herbs known for their soothing properties. The tea contains plants such as motherwort, lemon balm, sage, chamomile and valerian. Each of these ingredients has unique properties that help calm the nervous system and reduce stress levels.

Motherwort is an herb known for its calming properties. It helps reduce anxiety and improve sleep quality. Melissa also has calming properties and helps reduce feelings of anxiety and tension. Sage is another ingredient that can help manage stress and improve sleep quality. Chamomile, in turn, relieves irritability and improves mood. Valerian is a herb with a strong sedative effect that helps improve sleep quality and cope with stress.

In addition, Sophia Herbal Tea contains flavonoids - natural antioxidants that help protect cells from free radicals and improve the general condition of the body.

Sophia herbal tea is not a medicine, but its regular use can help improve the quality of life of people suffering from stress and nervous tension. However, before you start drinking tea, you should consult your doctor.

Overall, Sophia Herbal Tea is a useful and effective way to improve sleep quality and cope with stress. Thanks to its natural composition, tea can be useful for those who want to improve their health and general condition of the body.