Herbal tea Sophia. Herbs For Coughs

Sophia's herbal tea: "Herbs for coughs"

If you need to overcome a cough, then herbal tea "Sofia. Herbs for coughs" may be a good choice. This holistic treatment method uses natural herbs that help relieve inflammation and clear the airways. Herbal medicine has long established itself as an effective remedy for many diseases, and herbal tea, in turn, not only improves the general condition of the body, but also helps reduce coughing and increase the body's resistance to infections.

The name "Sofya" has already become a sign of quality in the market of herbs and herbal teas. This is a product from the manufacturer Fora-Pharm, which specializes in creating medicines based on natural ingredients. The main components of herbal tea "Sofya. Herbs for cough":

* Eyebright herb. This herb is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which will help quickly deal with cough and bronchitis. * Coltsfoot grass. It is known for its antimicrobial effect, which helps fight inflammation in the throat and lungs. * Ginger and licorice root. These herbs help soften coughs and have antihistamine and antiseptic effects. The herbs eyebright, coltsfoot, ginger and licorice root have anti-inflammatory properties and will help you get rid of cough. It is important to remember that herbal tea is not a medicine and does not replace drug treatment. Before using herbal tea, you should consult your doctor. In general, herbal tea "Sofia.Herbs" is an effective way to combat cough, but before using it, you should consult a doctor to choose the right treatment.