
Phytocitrus hair and skin care products Phytosolba is a high-quality patented cosmetics developed by European specialists to strengthen, maintain and restore the health of skin and hair. The line includes masks of different shapes and sizes, including those for hair regeneration. Products from this series are rich in minerals, amino acids and oils, which have a beneficial effect on the dermis, hair and cells of the whole body. Fitosolba masks will help you achieve maximum effect from using cosmetic products.

FitoSolba masks are produced by the Fitososkab Laboratory, which has been producing cosmetics since 1998 and is located in France. The PhytoCitrus series was developed to soften, moisturize and revitalize tissue, as well as restore hair after frequent coloring and curling. Fitosolbo masks include products such as lavender, bergamot, cedar, tangerine, linden and others, which tone the skin and improve blood circulation. After using Fitosol, the skin is saturated with moisture and saturated with vitamins, color improves, and the functioning of the sebaceous glands is regulated. To prevent the appearance of acne and dryness, oils of yarrow herb, beeswax or chamomile are used, ensuring the normal functioning of the immune system and preventing possible inflammatory processes. In addition, Fito Solba masks are suitable for people with very sensitive skin prone to irritation and allergies, as well as those with oily problem skin. All brand masks