
Phlegmania is a serious disease that can lead to serious consequences for human health. In this article, we will look at what phlegmania is, what its symptoms and causes are, as well as how to treat it and what precautions need to be taken.

Phlegmania is a dangerous disease that

Phlegmasia is a pathological condition that is characterized by swelling of the skin against the background of the formation of inflamed edema and loss of normal color. Typically, this term is used to describe various diseases or injuries that lead to serious circulatory problems and painful changes in tissue. Most often, phlegmasia occurs among older people with severe heart and vascular diseases.

Flagmasia can occur as a result of serious blood disorders, infection, injury or surgery, but can also develop in athletes or people following surgery. Patients may complain of pain and increased swelling of the skin, as well as changes in skin color and texture. Symptoms of phlegmasia may include the appearance of horny skin lesions, severe pain and even