Flexor Forearm Elbow

The elbow muscle (musculus brachioradialis), which is a flexor of the forearms in the elbow joint, is located on both sides of the transverse interosseous muscle, which forms its continuation. It is located on the anterior surface of the lateral humerus. This muscle is especially clearly visible if you palpate its dorsal surface of the radius near the fold of skin - the hook of the humerus, in front and above the flexor finger. All superficial and some deep muscular arteries pass in the cavities of the intermuscular septa from the sides and from the deep muscles.


extends the forearm at the level of the elbow joint; pulls the hand medially; promotes adduction of the hand; participates in palmar extension of the hand, passive inward rotation of the wrist, and adduction of the first finger; provides articular control over radial extension of the forearm. Innervation: posterior muscle group of the forearm (ulnar nerve), first branch of the median nerve (C7, T1).