Flocculation Test

A flocculation test is also called a recollagen test (K.S. Bronstam’s reagent, 1933), sometimes a thrombin test, a coagulation test, a biological test for wells. (Fig. 4.6).

Flocculation punching in SWW

Specific blood clotting (coagulation) is a fixed deformation of red blood cells and other blood cells, which leads to the gluing of blood cells. Both in terms of the genetic apparatus and macrostructures, and in terms of the mechanism of formation, a biological plug for wells is actually no different from biological plugs that prevent the movement of liquids through any pores. Thus, determining the parameters of the quality of the shaft requires testing with a plug with an enzyme composition that is inert to the deep regime of the reservoir and the characteristics of the rocks. Most barrel plugs known to science are liquid - kerosene, petroleum jelly, synthetic fluids, cement mortars, etc. Also, everyone knows about the gel instrument and the technology of applying the gel plug.

It is advisable to submit a sample for a well with the results of the gel composition for approval by the competent authorities of Rosprirodnadzor as evidence of a proper study of the possibilities of testing the walls of the well for their defects before carrying out preventive and repair measures on holes in the wall of the well. In the API RP 14B standard, plug testing of the barrel surface is usually used to investigate possible surface damage to the walls (sediments, cracks). The result of this analysis method is considered to be an indication of the profile of the existing scale (size) of the sediment/crack with a fixation of the point at which its width changes. Or establish the impossibility of such a possibility due to the small size for indistinguishability using the instrumental method.