Flu Epidemic

Epidemic flu

Epidemic influenza is one of the most common acute respiratory diseases caused by viruses of types A and B, of which the most pathogenic are influenza A or the epidemic strain of influenza. The disease is characterized by a rapid course, quickly emerging general toxic infectious toxic manifestations and intoxication syndrome. A rarer concomitant manifestation of an influenza infection can be respiratory distress syndrome, in which patients' tolerance to physical activity significantly worsens and its duration significantly increases. Negative consequences of the disease also include influenza pneumonia, pleurisy and myocarditis. There is no generally accepted term “influenza”, therefore in international standards the concept is presented as “acute respiratory viral disease”; influenza is classified by the international nomenclature of diseases ICD-10 in the special category “Some infectious and parasitic diseases” depending on the location of the infectious process and the type of pathogen.