Fluctuation 1

Fluctuation is a diagnostic sign that is used in medicine to determine the presence of liquid or gas in tissues or organs. It occurs when a liquid or gas is in a confined space and creates an oscillatory motion when pressed on the surface.

Fluctuation can be used to diagnose various diseases such as abscesses, cysts, tumors and other tissue formations. It can also be useful in diagnosing diseases of the abdominal organs, such as appendicitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis and others.

To determine the presence of fluctuation, it is necessary to press on the surface of the body or organ, and an oscillatory movement of the liquid or gas occurs inside the formation. If a fluctuation is observed when pressing, this may indicate the presence of liquid or gas in this formation.

It is important to note that fluctuation is not the only diagnostic sign and must be confirmed by other diagnostic methods such as ultrasound, x-ray or MRI. However, it can help in making a diagnosis and determining treatment tactics.

Fluctuation in medicine is the feeling of trembling of organs, tissues or fluids inside. As a rule, we are talking about the abdominal organs - intestines, liver, spleen. In this case, most often this sensation appears due to excess fluid in the cavity of the organ, which requires removal to the outside in addition, sometimes we can feel the movement of the organ or its strands inside. This sign is important for doctors, since it provides information about the presence of problems in organs and helps diagnose diseases.

Fluctuation in bile duct cysts

In many cases, with liver and gallbladder diseases, patients develop dilation of the bile ducts, which are called gall bladders. When they are filled with excess secretion that is not able to actively circulate, toxic bilirubin accumulates inside the bile - a pigment that is formed as a result of the breakdown of hemoglobin in the blood - giving this phenomenon a specific “urine-colored” appearance and smell. Such gallstones can be very large, often blocking the bile ducts. Most often, there is only one in the gallbladder, but stones form in such an organ quite often, provided that the person is exposed to processes and heredity that are detrimental to bile cholesterol. Even if there are small stones in the gallbladder without the danger of blocking