
Fluoxetine-Canon: description, application and features

Fluoxetine-Canon is an antidepressant from the group of selective neuronal uptake inhibitors. The drug is produced by Canonpharma Production in Russia and contains the active substance - fluoxetine.

Fluoxetine-Canon is used to treat a variety of mental illnesses, including depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, bulimia, anorexia and alcoholism. However, before you start taking this drug, you need to make sure that it is safe and has no contraindications.

Contraindications to the use of Fluoxetine-Canon include hypersensitivity to the active substance of the drug, the use of MAO inhibitors, liver and kidney failure, epilepsy, a history of convulsions, suicidality, diabetes mellitus, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

When using Fluoxetine-Canon, side effects may occur, such as anxiety, nervousness, lethargy, nausea, sleep disorders, headache, dizziness, tremor, convulsions, decreased libido, anorexia, diarrhea, rash, weight loss, nausea, vomiting, urticaria, which is often accompanied by systemic disorders of the lungs, kidneys or liver, vasculitis.

Fluoxetine-Canon is incompatible with MAO inhibitors and tryptophan, and may also change the concentration of lithium in the blood. An overdose of the drug can lead to symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, central nervous system stimulation, hypomania and convulsions. Treatment in case of overdose includes induction of vomiting or gastric lavage, administration of activated charcoal and symptomatic therapy.

Fluoxetine-Canon should be prescribed with caution for cardiovascular diseases, severe renal and liver failure. The drug should also be used with caution in persons engaged in activities that require increased attention.

The period between taking MAO inhibitors and starting to take Fluoxetine-Canon should be at least 2 weeks, and between stopping Fluoxetine-Canon and taking MAO inhibitors at least 5 weeks.

In conclusion, Fluoxetine-Canon is an effective antidepressant that can be used to treat various mental illnesses, but its use should only be done after consultation with a doctor and under his supervision. It is necessary to follow the dosage and recommendations for use of the drug, as well as monitor for possible side effects and stop taking them if they occur.