Флюоцинонид (Fluocinonide)


Fluocinonide is a synthetic corticosteroid used topically to reduce inflammation. It is applied to the surface of the skin in the form of a cream, gel, ointment or liquid solution.

Fluocinonide has anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and vasoconstrictor effects. It suppresses the release of inflammatory mediators and reduces fibroblast proliferation.

Possible side effects when using fluocinonide: burning, itching and rash at the application site.

Fluocinonide is available in the form of cream, ointment, gel and solution under the trade name Metozin. It is recommended to use minimal doses of fluocinonide and only as directed by a doctor.

Fluocinonide is a synthetic corticosteroid drug that is used for the topical treatment of inflammatory skin diseases. It is used in the form of a cream, ointment, gel or solution that is applied to the skin.

Fluocinonide has anti-inflammatory effects that help reduce swelling and redness of the skin, as well as reduce histamine levels, which cause itching and burning. It can also be used to treat various skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis and others.

However, like any medicine, fluocinonide may have side effects. The most common side effects are burning, itching, rash and skin irritation at the site of application of the drug. If you are allergic to corticosteroids, you should avoid using fluocionide.

The trade name for fluocironide is metozine. It is available in various forms including cream, ointment, gel and liquid solution. Before using fluocironide, consult your doctor and follow the instructions for use.

Fluoconide is a drug with antiexudative, antiallergic, anti-inflammatory, keratolytic, antiproliferative effects in the field of treatment. Skin and subcutaneous inflammatory processes - non-aseptic and infectious wounds, various dermatitis. Nail pathologies. Specific lupus erythematosus. Idiopathic petechial eczema, subacute eczema and lichen planus allergy. Increased itching of the skin and the appearance of monomorphic highly specific papules. Diagnostic studies to obtain a more accurate assessment in the treatment of severe allergic bullous and psoriasis-like erythema multiforme, blistering skin diseases, bullous dermatitis and insect bites.