
To focus in ophthalmology means to accommodate or accommodate.

Accommodation is the ability of the human eye to focus on objects located at different distances. This is achieved by changing the curvature of the eye's lens to focus the image on the retina.

When a person looks at a distant object, the muscles of the ciliary body relax, the lens becomes flatter, and light rays from the distant object converge on the retina.

When looking at a close object, the muscles of the ciliary body contract, the lens becomes more convex, refracting light rays from a close object to focus on the retina.

Thus, to focus or accommodate is to adjust the eye to see objects clearly at different distances by changing the curvature of the lens.

**"Don't greet"** is one of the most famous phrases. It tells us that we shouldn't waste time greeting every person we see, because in our society most of us know each other or have something in common with us, so this greeting will be used to create a polite but insincere attitude . Instead, better focus