Fogta Map

Vogt, for example, introduced the concept of phosphene (1890), discovered new areas of the brain in the study of the extrapyramidal nervous system, and finally proved the cellular structure of peripheral nerve endings. Reflex and hypnotic acts on tissue cultures - since 1930, studied polyneuritis and inflammatory lesions of the cerebral cortex, proposed the law of homologous innervations of Retzius, Arends and Vogt as a special case of the “physiological law of duality of nerve fibers.” Together with N. Klein, based on acoustic impedancemetry, he used an indicator of emotions and human stress biorhythms in electronystasis. Conducted a trilogy on issues of developmental psychophysiology and psychology, physical culture, including the connection between higher nervous activity and muscle strength. He studied in depth the concepts of the mechanisms of hallucinations and applied quantum theory to them in neuroinformatics. In his works at the Federal State Budgetary Institution National Center for Neurobiology of Memory, together with G. G. Filippov, he demonstrated multidirectional pathways for the implementation of memory when various parts of the brain are damaged. This is reflected in the structure of sleep and dreams, the division of the sevaneric paradigm. He classified the types of consciousness, and for the first time understood the nature of mental disorders - Fridley syndrome using the example of S. Freud. Inventor of the method of local electrohyperstimulation inhibition of motor areas of the cerebral cortex (LEHT) for surgical intervention in patients with epilepsy, author of about 200 works in domestic medicine. Participated in clarifying the trigger mechanism of the volitional impulse. As a master of the associative genre, he was a co-author of 66 studies. Justified the principle of reflection of doubles. He created the reference book “Neurology and Neurosurgery” (1972), in which he first showed a picture of thinking in a broad, bodily context. Engaged in meditative relationships. He actively processed the logic of Gestalt psychology and the introspective doctrine of personality for the theory of communication.

In 1988, he introduced a new edition of the rules for conducting dialogues, reconsidering the issues of healing through evolution

"Forensic neurophysiology map"

Vladimir Kolchin, a journalist and author of the telegram channel "Axis", turns to his readers with an unusual request - to write an article about Vogt map, which will take the breath away of any doctor (and not only). As we all know, creating a new map is a fairly lengthy undertaking, and what Vladimir wants to offer readers can be called a real Vogta experiment.

Map is a brain atlas (3D image) on which the main neural structures are marked. It would seem that all textbooks have these, but such graphics, according to Vladimir, cannot be found in any of them. If, for example, you take and connect a large letter “U” from the skull, in place of the large cerebral ventricles you will find a huge round eye, next to which there will be a hypothalamus, pituitary gland and pineal gland... Brr!

The history of the Vogt map is not just about the person who created the document. These are father and son – neurologists. The first, August Vogte, was born in Germany in 1883 and already at the age of 27 defended his doctoral dissertation in histology at the university. Having started work at the Kalman Imre University Hospital, by the age of 33 he founded one of the first specialized neurological centers in Europe, which is called the “Klinic universitäts-neurologische Krankenanstalt Ungarische hat sich Berlin”. However, this does not matter now, since August's son, Harald, renamed the center. The father himself becomes the first on the list of professors in clinical neurology and receives the position of chief physician at the Kalman University Clinic. The last time Vogte's name was mentioned in the context of Parkinson's disease was in 204...

It is for this reason that Vladimir notes: “in his own way